Topic: 依赖关系

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1.依赖关系 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: coolbaby
Posted on: 2005-03-01 08:40


2.Re:依赖关系 [Re: coolbaby] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: robin
Posted on: 2005-03-16 14:08


3.Re:依赖关系 [Re: coolbaby] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: waterflower
Posted on: 2005-03-21 11:28

每次建立一个关联,系统会为该关联自动生成一个带Lnk前缀的名字,但是在类图中这个名字不会以属性出现在client class中,但是如果在属性中除去Lnk前缀,该关连会以属性出现在类图中。不是很理解?或者说我的问题是该如何给关联取名,什么时候应该保留Lnk前缀,什么时候应该去掉?

4.Re:依赖关系 [Re: coolbaby] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: idol
Posted on: 2005-03-22 01:04


5.Re:依赖关系 [Re: waterflower] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: spi_cn
Posted on: 2005-03-22 10:09

waterflower wrote:
每次建立一个关联,系统会为该关联自动生成一个带Lnk前缀的名字,但是在类图中这个名字不会以属性出现在client class中,但是如果在属性中除去Lnk前缀,该关连会以属性出现在类图中。不是很理解?或者说我的问题是该如何给关联取名,什么时候应该保留Lnk前缀,什么时候应该去掉?


6.Re:依赖关系 [Re: coolbaby] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: waterflower
Posted on: 2005-03-23 07:40


7.Re:依赖关系 [Re: coolbaby] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: waterflower
Posted on: 2005-03-23 07:42

By default the prefix is set to "ink" and the way of attributes displaying
is "Automatic" (We can change association link prefix and other properties
in Window->Preferences->Modeling->Java->Associations).
That means that if we create an association then the corresponding attribute
is created with the pointed prefix in code and this attribute is shown in
the model only as association link. In other words, if you need to see
associations only as accociation links in the model then you should use
prefixes in attribute namings. If you want to see also attributes in the
model then you shouldn't write prefixes in attribute namings.

8.Re:依赖关系 [Re: coolbaby] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: AKA
Posted on: 2005-04-13 00:08


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