Topic: 可否不用WebSphere Studio 而用jbuilder + websphere5.0开发呢?

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1.可否不用WebSphere Studio 而用jbuilder + websphere5.0开发呢? Copy to clipboard
Posted by: tuzimeimei
Posted on: 2003-07-28 10:43

大家有用WebSphere Studio 的吗?感觉怎么样?
要在websphere上运行,是不是WebSphere Studio要比jbuilder容易,好呢???

2.Re:可否不用WebSphere Studio 而用jbuilder + websphere5.0开发呢? [Re: tuzimeimei] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: nothing
Posted on: 2003-07-28 10:51


3.你反对用WebSphere Studio?就是因为内存吗?没有别的理由? [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: tuzimeimei
Posted on: 2003-07-28 10:55

那就是说用jbuilder + websphere5.0是可以的了?

4.不过发布的时候应当采用Websphere的工具 [Re: tuzimeimei] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: menzy
Posted on: 2003-07-30 20:25

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