Topic: JBoss Basic Configuration Guide (JBoss forum) -- JBoss3.2.1/Tomcat4.1.24/Apache2.0.45

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1.JBoss Basic Configuration Guide (JBoss forum) -- JBoss3.2.1/Tomcat4.1.24/Apache2.0.45 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2003-06-24 05:34

By: Alexander Petty

How to configure Apache HTTP Server 2.0.45 to communicate with JBoss 3.2.1's integrated Catalina 4.1.24 implementation via AJP13 with MOD_JK2

** Configuration Guide for Apache HTTPd/Tomcat AJP13 Connector configuration using the JK2 Connector **

Assumed OS: Windows NT/2K/XP

Assumed Environment:

  JAVA_HOME   c:\lib\java
  JBOSS_HOME   c:\jboss
  APACHE_HOME   c:\apache2

<<< (How to set up the basic environment)
-- download and setup
  Download JavaTM 2 Platform, Standard Edition, v 1.4.1_02 from
    run installer exe, change destination path to c:\lib\java
  Download jboss-3.2.1_tomcat-4.1.24 from
    decompress zip and copy to c:\jboss
  Download Apache 2.0.45 from from
    run installer exe, change destination path to c:\, configure to run as a service on port 80

-- set your environment in control panel | system | advanced | environment variables | system variables
  JAVA_HOME     c:\lib\java
  JBOSS_HOME    c:\jboss
  APACHE_HOME    c:\apache2

1) acquire win32 binary of the jk2 connector module (mod_jk2-2.0.43.dll)

  copy to C:\apache2\modules
  Note: although the connector's file name explicitly references apache version 2.0.43, it works
    perfectly well with versions of apache higher than 2.0.43 (such as 2.0.45)
  Also Note: if you are using apache 1.3.27 or higher you must use mod_jk2-1.3.27.dll

2) in the path: "c:\apache2\logs" create an empty file called: "shm.file"

3) add file C:\apache2\conf\
  add the entire file contents below

---> start (do not cut this line to clipboard)

# BOF -
# $Date: 2003/06/05 12:30:00
# $Author: Alexander Petty
# $Application: (Apache 2.0.45) --ajp13--> (JBoss 3.2.1 and Jakarta-Tomcat 4.1.24)

# comment out for production server
# [logger.apache2]
# level=DEBUG


# Example socket channel, override port and host.

# define the worker

# Uri mapping






# EOF -

---> end file (do not cut this line to clipboard)

2) edit the sections of this titled:
    Uri mapping
  Ensure that the bracketed variables [your_machines_ip_address],
[your_machines_hostname], and [desired_uri] are replaced with
   information specific to your server.

    newbies: completely exclude any lines with reference to [desired_uri] until
you understand how a desired_uri might benefit you.
  Note: Any hostname/address that resolves to your server needs to be included here. JK2 will
    not resolve any names dynamically, so if they are not listed in this file your
    configuration will not properly handle servlet requests for the given name.

  Also Note: Optional: If you are using virtual directories with apache you may use at the
      bottom of the default virtualhost tag the tag parameters:

      <Location "/*.jsp"> JkUriSet ajp13:localhost:8009 </Location>
      <Location "/servlet/*"> JkUriSet ajp13:localhost:8009 </Location>

      This configuration will allow you to comment/remove the entire "uri mapping"
       section of and manage the uri mappings from http.conf

3) edit file C:\apache2\conf\httpd.conf
  find the sction titled :

  # Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support

  add directly beneath it:
  LoadModule jk2_module modules/mod_jk2-2.0.43.dll

4) restart apache httpd server and start jboss

5) open a browser and test http://[your_machines_hostname]
  you should see apache test page

6) open a browser and test http://[your_machines_hostname]:8080
  you should see tomcat error page indicating no configured context

7) open a browser and test http://[your_machines_hostname]/servlet/test.html
  if you see tomcat error page indicating no configured context, apj13 connector is working properly  

8) open a browser and test http://[your_machines_hostname]/test.jsp
  if you see tomcat error page indicating no configured context, apj13 connector is working properly

9) if steps 7 and 8 did not show you the Tomcat no context error message, then redo all the above steps
  this time read the steps more carefully!!!

** You have successfully completed the Apache HTTPd/Tomcat AJP13 Connector configuration successfully **

2.Re:JBoss Basic Configuration Guide (JBoss forum) -- how to set up JBOSS an "Windows Service" [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2003-06-24 05:37

** Configuration Guide for running JBOSS 3.2.1 with integrated Catalina 4.1.24 as a "Windows Service" **
Assumed OS: Windows NT/2K/XP

Assumed Environment:

  JAVA_HOME   c:\lib\java
  JBOSS_HOME   c:\jboss
  APACHE_HOME   c:\apache2

1) Download JavaService from
  decompress files and copy JavaService.exe to c:\jboss\bin

2) Create a file Called c:\jboss\bin\InstallJBossService.cmd
  add the entire file contents below to newly created file and save

---> start file (do not cut this line to clipboard)

@echo off
echo Installing JBoss as service on Windows NT/2K/XP
echo -----------------------------------------------

if [%1] == [] goto help
if [%2] == [] goto help
if [%Java_Home%] == [] goto help
if [%JBoss_Home%] == [] goto help

echo on
JavaService -install %1 %Java_Home%\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll -Djava.class.path=%Java_Home%\lib\tools.jar;%JBoss_Home%\bin\run.jar;%JBoss_Home%\bin\shutdown.jar -start org.jboss.Main -params -c %2 -stop org.jboss.Shutdown -out %JBoss_Home%\server\%2\log\stdout.log -err %JBoss_Home%\server\%2\log\stderr.log -current %JBoss_Home%\bin

@echo off
echo The JBoss service can be removed with "JavaService.exe -uninstall %1".
goto end

echo The environment variables %%Java_Home%% and %%JBoss_Home%% have to be set,
echo JavaService.exe and this script have to be in %%JBoss_Home%%\bin.
echo Parameters:
echo %0 service-name configuration
echo service-name: name of service (e.g. "JBoss")
echo configuration: configuration of JBoss (e.g. "default", "all" or "minimal")
echo Java_Home = %Java_Home%
echo JBoss_Home = %JBoss_Home%


---> end file (do not cut this line to clipboard)

3) from the command line type the following:
  1>> cd\
  2>> cls
  3>> cd c:\jboss\bin
  4>> InstallJBossService "JBoss with Tomcat" default

4) make sure any manually started JBOSS servers are stopped

5) open up the services applet from the control panel and right click the newly added service,
  JBoss with Tomcat, choose start to get it running and make sure it set to start automatically

** You have successfully completed the JBOSS as NT Service configuration successfully.      **

3.Re:JBoss Basic Configuration Guide (JBoss forum) -- JBoss3.2.1/Tomcat4.1.24/Apache2.0.45 [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: lgw6237
Posted on: 2003-07-04 14:10

这是linux 下的配置

and Configuration of Apache, Tomcat and JBoss.pdf (234.97k)

4.Re:JBoss Basic Configuration Guide (JBoss forum) -- JBoss3.2.1/Tomcat4.1.24/Apache2.0.45 [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2003-07-04 20:07

The above document refers to Tomcat 4.0.4 and JBoss 4.0.0alpha
I believe it is posted on this forum before.
Anyway, thanks, lgw6237.Smile

5.Re:JBoss Basic Configuration Guide (JBoss forum) -- JBoss3.2.1/Tomcat4.1.24/Apache2.0.45 [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: waspxyz
Posted on: 2003-07-12 11:41


6.Re:JBoss Basic Configuration Guide (JBoss forum) -- JBoss3.2.1/Tomcat4.1.24/Apache2.0.45 [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: waspxyz
Posted on: 2003-07-12 15:00

我怎么配置都是在测试:http://localhost/test.jsp时报网页没有找到,而不是Tomcat的HTTP Status 500 - No Context configured to process this request

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