Topic: 问个 java.sql.PreparedStatement 的问题

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1.问个 java.sql.PreparedStatement 的问题 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: sandish
Posted on: 2006-04-18 15:04

select * from CMNG_CUSTOM where AREAID in ( ? )
这个参数的值想动态传进去,比如 String areas = "'0101','0202','0303'";

而pstmt.setString(1,"'0101'")却不行,可能是PreparedStatement 在setString的时候,自动前后加了两个单引号。按照这种想法,我先去掉前后的单引号,变成 0101','0202','0303
pstmt.setString(1,"0101','0202','0303") 也不行。


2.Re:问个 java.sql.PreparedStatement 的问题 [Re: sandish] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wt_adam
Posted on: 2006-07-10 11:00


3.Re:问个 java.sql.PreparedStatement 的问题 [Re: sandish] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2006-07-10 18:43

I'm afraid JDBC's PreparedStatement doesn't have this feature.

If you have a maximum limit of number of parameters in the IN clause, you could (but not really recommended to) use (say, max is 4)
IN (?,?,?,?)
and supply duplicated values if there are less than 4 values.

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