Topic: 一个困扰了我好几天的问题,请教!(Error Establishing Socket)

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1.一个困扰了我好几天的问题,请教!(Error Establishing Socket) Copy to clipboard
Posted by: df000
Posted on: 2006-01-17 00:46

这个问题一直是这样,我用2000系统和xp系统都出现这种情况,数据库驱动包已经安到JCreator Pro里了,连接就是不正常,谁能帮帮我不胜感激!数据库是sql2000个人版


Read the top post in the Database board.

Please don't use BMP, which is huge and only viewable on M$ Windows.
I have converted your 787KB BMP to a 10KB GIF with the simple PAINT program, and uploaded here. (also uncheck "Display Signature")



2.Re:一个困扰了我好几天的问题,请教!(Error Establishing Socket) [Re: df000] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: yzdbj
Posted on: 2006-03-17 17:39

MSSQL2000 FOR JDBC 须SP3以上的版本才可以正常使用!

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