Topic: [转帖]SQL 很难面试题,求助!

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1.[转帖]SQL 很难面试题,求助! Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2005-12-30 13:08

This is copied from I want to know the answer too. It seems real hard. I put the several posts of original question together here. If somebody is able to find the answer of it.

Here we are:

A real interview question from a famous company which I got today.
I still don't know the answer, please help.
It is easy to use Java to do it, but how to use SQL to get the result???

Table T

USER_ID event date
1 on 2003-12-30
1 off 2004-01-02
3 on 2003-12-31
3 off 2004-01-05
5 on 2004-01-03
5 off 2003-01-04
1 on 2004-01-03
1 off 2004-01-09
2 on 2004-01-08
2 off 2004-01-10
7 on 2004-01-12
7 off 2004-01-13

How to use SQL to get the statistics of count(USER_ID) each date covered in the table???
The "Actual Users (not needed)" is for you to understand. The third column is not part of the result.
They are just my understanding about what USER_IDs are counted.

on is starting time, off is end time. That is why it is hard, since you must count the date in-between too.
For example

3 on 2003-12-31
3 off 2004-01-05

means USER_ID 3 turned on the service on at 2003-12-31, turned off the service on 2004-01-05, used the service for 6 days.
Partial days are counted as full day.

count date Actual User_IDs (not needed)
1 2003-12-30 (1)
2 2003-12-31 (1, 3)
2 2004-01-01 (1, 3)
2 2004-01-02 (1, 3)
3 2004-01-03 (3, 5, 1)
3 2004-01-04 (3, 5, 1)
2 2004-01-05 (3, 1)
1 2004-01-06 (1)
1 2004-01-07 (1)
2 2004-01-08 (1, 2)
2 2004-01-09 (1, 2)
1 2004-01-10 (2)
0 2004-01-11 ()
1 2004-01-12 (7)
1 2004-01-13 (7)

Thanks a lot!

2.Re:[转帖]SQL 很难面试题,求助! [Re: gongshi] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2005-12-30 13:10

Here is the link if someone wants to see the original discussion:

It is hard Sad

3.Re:[转帖]SQL 很难面试题,求助! [Re: ranchgirl] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: niugy
Posted on: 2006-02-13 10:09


4.Re:[转帖]SQL 很难面试题,求助! [Re: ranchgirl] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: whilezf
Posted on: 2006-02-13 12:36


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