Topic: 请教一下这个 Select 查询该怎么写?

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1.请教一下这个 Select 查询该怎么写? Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ant21
Posted on: 2005-09-12 23:54


有两张表:l_reader 和 l_loan

l_reader 的结构是:

|读者条码 | 读者姓名 | 性别 | 单位 | 欠款金额 | ... 等等
|12345 | 甲 | 男 | a | 10.00 |
-+------------+-------------+-------+--------+------------ +---------------
|67890 | 乙 | 女 | b | 5.00 |
|75667 | 丙 | 女 | c | 6.00 |

l_loan 的结构是:

|图书条码 | 读者姓名 | 借书日期 | 应还日期 | ... 等等
|79875 | 甲 | 2001-07-06 | 2002-06-21 |
|32165 | 乙 | 2003-07-06 | 2004-06-21 |
|78545 | 甲 | 2002-05-06 | 2003-05-21 |

l_reader 中,读者条码是唯一的,l_loan 中,图书条码是唯一的


| 读者姓名 | 读者条码 | 未还册数 | ... 等等
| 甲 | 12345 | 2 |
| 乙 | 54656 | 1 |
| 丁 | 87985 | 3 |


还有,如果我想要查出每个读者没有归还图书的所有条码,可以在一个查询里面完成吗?就是说,比如甲还有 2 本没还,那么是否可以一次查出那 2 本的图书条码,直接显示在上表的后面呢?



2.Re:请教一下这个 Select 查询该怎么写? [Re: ant21] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2005-09-13 08:21

> 请问大家这个查询该怎么写呢?
Which database do you use, sub-select statement (nested-select) may be different.
Could you create a view for this?

> 那么是否可以一次查出那 2 本的图书条码,直接显示在上表的后面呢?
Again, which database do you use?
(e.g. Oracle has Tree extension [connect by])
It is quite difficult to use a single select statement to do so.

BTW, it is not a good design to have 读者姓名 as a field (reference id) in l_loan rather than an unique id like 读者条码.

3.Re:请教一下这个 Select 查询该怎么写? [Re: ant21] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ant21
Posted on: 2005-09-13 10:44

>Which database do you use?

非常感谢 why 的回复,真是抱歉,忘了说数据库用的是 MS SQL Server 2000。

>it is not a good design to have 读者姓名 as a field (reference id) in l_loan rather than an unique id like 读者条码.

嗯,why 所言极是,如果 l_loan 中用 读者条码 作为 reference id 就好了,可惜的是,数据库是一个桌面应用的后台,我只能对它进行查询然后在 web 上显示相关的内容。

4.Re:请教一下这个 Select 查询该怎么写? [Re: ant21] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2005-09-13 11:23

select reader.[读者姓名], reader.[读者条码], isnull( loan.[未还册数], 0) as [未还册数]
from l_reader reader left outer join (
select [读者姓名], count([读者姓名]) as [未还册数]
from l_loan
where [还书日期] is null -- or whatever condition to determine 未还
group by [读者姓名] ) as loan
on reader.[读者姓名] = loan.[读者姓名]

- use inner join if readers with no outstanding loan are not included.
- if possible, create a view for 'select [读者姓名], count([读者姓名]) as [未还册数] ..."

It is not suggested to include 图书条码 in one select statement.
If this is really necessary, consider using a stored procedure to prepare this string of 图书条码.

5.Re:请教一下这个 Select 查询该怎么写? [Re: ant21] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ant21
Posted on: 2005-09-13 13:18

非常感谢 why,您写的 query 语句我得回去好好消化一下,再次感谢您的帮助!

6.Re:请教一下这个 Select 查询该怎么写? [Re: ant21] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ken0719
Posted on: 2005-09-15 17:55

Maybe there is a mistake in the database design. In the table 'l_loan', why not use '读者条码' to replace '读者姓名'? If there are some readers with same name, how to handle this case?

7.Re:请教一下这个 Select 查询该怎么写? [Re: ant21] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: q_yuan
Posted on: 2005-09-27 09:30

[color= white] 直得学习![/color]

8.Re:请教一下这个 Select 查询该怎么写? [Re: ant21] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: q_yuan
Posted on: 2005-09-27 09:40

<font bgcolor = #ffffff>我也学到了</font>

9.Re:请教一下这个 Select 查询该怎么写? [Re: ken0719] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ant21
Posted on: 2005-09-28 13:02

ken0719 wrote:
Maybe there is a mistake in the database design. In the table 'l_loan', why not use '读者条码' to replace '读者姓名'? If there are some readers with same name, how to handle this case?

非常感谢您的提醒,后来我再次检查的时候,发现 l_loan 中确实用的"读者条码"而不是“读者姓名”,这样,参考 why 的 query,我的 query 是这样的:

select reader._读者姓名, reader._读者条码, isnull( loan.未还册数, 0) as 未还册数
from l_reader reader
right join
select _读者条码, count(_读者条码) as 未还册数
from l_loan
where _应还日期 < getdate()
group by _读者条码
) as loan
on reader._读者条码 = loan._读者条码
order by 未还册数 DESC


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