Topic: 成功连接了数据库和表,显示就不会了

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1.成功连接了数据库和表,显示就不会了 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: nogod
Posted on: 2005-01-13 20:07

querystring="select * from ab";
st=conn.createStatement() ;


2.Re:成功连接了数据库和表,显示就不会了 [Re: nogod] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: lcwling
Posted on: 2005-01-13 23:55

Navigating a ResultSet
We access the ResultSet one row at a time, starting at the first row and advancing one row forward at a time.Associated with the ResultSet is a cursor, a kind of pointer, which is initially set to point before the first row. To advance it to the first row and every row after that, we need to call the ResultSet's next() method. The next() method returns a Boolean value: true if it was successful in advancing to the next row, false if there are no more rows. This is the usual way to iterate through a ResultSet:

// Process current row, column by column

Once we have positioned the cursor at a valid row by calling the next() method, we use the ResultSet's getXXX methods to access the columns in the row. Each of the row's columns can be addressed in one of two ways: by the column's name or by its index, starting at 1. In general, it is most efficient to retrieve data from columns by index, in order. Like the set methods for PreparedStatement, ResultSet has many get methods.

The most commonly used are those for basic Java types and classes, such as getInt(), getLong(), getFloat(), getDouble(), getString(), getDate(), and getTime(). For each column, we need to choose the most appropriate type.

reading a row from the database into an array or vector ...

3.Re:成功连接了数据库和表,显示就不会了 [Re: nogod] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: nogod
Posted on: 2005-01-14 08:02


4.Re:成功连接了数据库和表,显示就不会了 [Re: nogod] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: smomo
Posted on: 2005-02-05 21:44

看jdk 下面 demo\jfc\tableexample 里的源代码,那里的程序是可以以表格的形式显示数据。

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