Topic: 请问怎样才能从Resultset中取出long型数据 数据库是Oracel?

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1.请问怎样才能从Resultset中取出long型数据 数据库是Oracel? Copy to clipboard
Posted by: desheng
Posted on: 2004-12-17 16:45

2.Re:请问怎样才能从Resultset中取出long型数据 数据库是Oracel? [Re: desheng] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: nothing
Posted on: 2004-12-17 16:49

rs.getXXXXX() ??

3.Re:请问怎样才能从Resultset中取出long型数据 数据库是Oracel? [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: limlei
Posted on: 2004-12-17 17:26


4.Re:请问怎样才能从Resultset中取出long型数据 数据库是Oracel? [Re: desheng] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: mmwy
Posted on: 2004-12-18 11:51

oracle的Long、Long raw要用流来读/写,看一下、ResultSet.getXXXXStream()的方法(用惯了代码提示,自己记不得具体的XXXX是什么单词了)

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