Topic: 请教:怎样得到数据库的字段名成到指定的数组里面

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1.请教:怎样得到数据库的字段名成到指定的数组里面 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: gis_st
Posted on: 2004-12-14 16:12


2.Re:请教:怎样得到数据库的字段名成到指定的数组里面 [Re: gis_st] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wes109
Posted on: 2004-12-15 01:24

ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT a, b, c FROM TABLE2");
ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
int numberOfColumns = rsmd.getColumnCount();
String columnsName = rsmd.getColumnName();

enjoy Big Smile

3.Re:请教:怎样得到数据库的字段名成到指定的数组里面 [Re: gis_st] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: gis_st
Posted on: 2004-12-15 08:34

thanks a lot

4.Re:请教:怎样得到数据库的字段名成到指定的数组里面 [Re: gis_st] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ecsoftcn
Posted on: 2004-12-15 10:42

ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT a, b, c FROM TABLE2");
ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
int numberOfColumns = rsmd.getColumnCount();
String columnsName = rsmd.getColumnLabel(int);


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