Topic: 我有落程序编译总是报错!(新手有问题,请教大家)

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1.我有落程序编译总是报错!(新手有问题,请教大家) Copy to clipboard
Posted by: huangfight
Posted on: 2004-05-19 17:56

public class good
  public static void main(String args[])
    int i=2;
    System.out.println("It's good!");
      if(i>1)break fei;break gogo;
    System.out.println("Oh ye!");
    System.out.println("That's ok!");

H:\JCreator Pro\MyProjects\ undefined label: fei
      if(i>1)break fei;break gogo;


2.Re:我有落程序编译总是报错!(新手有问题,请教大家) [Re: huangfight] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: taogang
Posted on: 2004-05-19 21:58

read again the "Controlling Program Flow" of "Think in Java" and be aware of that you are using JAVA but C/C++.

it says:

The only place a label is useful in Java is right before an iteration statement. And that means right before—it does no good to put any other statement between the label and the iteration. And the sole reason to put a label before an iteration is if you’re going to nest another iteration or a switch inside it. That’s because the break and continue keywords will normally interrupt only the current loop, but when used with a label, they’ll interrupt the loops up to where the label exists

3.Re:我有落程序编译总是报错!(新手有问题,请教大家) [Re: huangfight] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: whirl79
Posted on: 2004-05-19 22:24

帅哥,你要这样定义String fei ="";String gogo="";才行

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