Topic: main函数的引数

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1.main函数的引数 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jiang_sl
Posted on: 2004-02-13 16:22

main(String[] args) args存储的是什么命令行引数?
我经常在IO系统看到args.length 形式,它是代表什么意思,和IO操作有什么关系???


2.Re:main函数的引数 [Re: jiang_sl] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 独孤牧
Posted on: 2004-02-14 00:25

U'better finishTIJ first!

3.Re:main函数的引数 [Re: jiang_sl] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: newnewworm
Posted on: 2004-02-14 10:01

比如:java classa aa bb cc dd ee
有很多时候要把引入的参数和具体的程序分开,这样便于程序的运用。在Java Example中有很多这样的例子的!

4.Re:main函数的引数 [Re: jiang_sl] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: aska0865
Posted on: 2004-02-14 12:11

thats a array of Strings.
like old time, when you play with the dos command or linux shell, usually type in sth. like:

dir -p -s
ls -l

-p -s are Strings
the length is detemine how many arguments and
java HugeIntOpTest add 923434321 1123434321
The command line arguments provide the type of operation

5.Re:main函数的引数 [Re: jiang_sl] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jiang_sl
Posted on: 2004-02-14 22:56


6.Re:main函数的引数 [Re: jiang_sl] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: hitaco
Posted on: 2004-02-15 10:54

BTW: 什么叫引数?

7.Re:main函数的引数 [Re: jiang_sl] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 独孤牧
Posted on: 2004-02-15 11:34

引数是在TIJ e/2 中侯捷对arguments的翻译

8.Re:main函数的引数 [Re: jiang_sl] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: kingwzb
Posted on: 2004-02-15 13:35

如果你运行这个java程序后加参数 arg1 arg2 agr3(用空白字符分开)
那么args就是包含arg1, arg2, arg3的字符串数组

9.Re:main函数的引数 [Re: jiang_sl] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jiang_sl
Posted on: 2004-02-15 18:40


10.Re:main函数的引数 [Re: jiang_sl] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: hotyaya
Posted on: 2004-02-15 21:09


11.Re:main函数的引数 [Re: 独孤牧] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: hitaco
Posted on: 2004-02-17 22:46


独孤牧 wrote:
引数是在TIJ e/2 中侯捷对arguments的翻译

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