Topic: jdk1.5alpha 出来了

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1.jdk1.5alpha 出来了 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: daqin
Posted on: 2003-12-24 08:41

2.Re:jdk1.5alpha 出来了 [Re: daqin] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Kaninchen
Posted on: 2003-12-24 09:31

Great! I am waited for so long !

here is the early news:,4149,1408044,00.asp

Sun Releases 'Tiger' Alpha Code Early
By Darryl K. Taft
December 8, 2003

Sun Microsystems Inc. has made an overture to Java developers in what amounts to the "open sourcing" of a key Java upgrade.


The Santa Clara, Calif., company has agreed to open the alpha builds of its long-awaited J2SE (Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition), code-named Tiger, to developers for testing much earlier than anticipated.

Sun was forced to make such a move after a Java developer late last month posted a message to about an exclusive Sun developer program that provides early code to developers creating products supporting the Java platform. The program, known as CAP (Compatibility Access Program) and set up to handle about 20 developers, was quickly deluged with requests following the Javalobby post, sources said.

Rick Ross, president of Javalobby Inc., a Cary, N.C., organization that promotes Java development, said hundreds of Javalobby members swarmed Sun looking to obtain early J2SE 1.5 builds. As a result of the Javalobby response, "Sun is going to deliver early access to J2SE 1.5 probably 60 to 90 days before it would otherwise have become available," Ross said. "Sun has done something clearly responsive to developer input."

Neal Gafter, a Sun software engineer responsible for producing early-access releases, said CAP is not "intended as a mechanism for providing public alpha releases of the platform. Rather, it's a mechanism for vendors of existing products to test for and alert us to compatibility problems exposed by their products. It is more focused on testing existing features rather than new features."

Joe Keller, Sun's vice president of Java Web services and tools, said: "We got swamped with requests, and we weren't ready to go to that many people. We'll revamp [CAP] and build a release that can handle that."

J2SE 1.5 will add technology from ongoing Java Specification Requests that promise to simplify the language in four areas: ease of development, monitoring and manageability, scalability and performance, and XML and client-side Web services support, Sun officials said.

"The Java community will receive this as an important improvement in the openness of Java's development," said Osvaldo Doederlein, technology architect at Visionnaire Informatica S.A., in Curitiba, Brazil, and a Javalobby member. "General access to alpha-stage builds is very welcome, as enthusiasts can actually influence the release if they send high-quality feedback to Sun; in the beta stage, it's typically too late for input on features, and all that's left for testers is to finger bugs."

One developer, who asked not to be identified, said the process amounted to "forcing Sun to open source" its testing, but Javalobby's Ross sees it differently. "Hats off to Sun," he said. "Let's hope they can set their fears aside and take similar steps in other areas."

3.Re:jdk1.5alpha 出来了 [Re: daqin] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wes109
Posted on: 2003-12-24 09:58



4.Re:jdk1.5alpha 出来了 [Re: daqin] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wes109
Posted on: 2003-12-24 10:11



5.Re:jdk1.5alpha 出来了 [Re: daqin] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: javadd
Posted on: 2003-12-24 10:44


6.Re:jdk1.5alpha 出来了 [Re: wes109] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Kaninchen
Posted on: 2003-12-24 11:24

wes109 wrote:

JBX 支持 JDK1.5 的新特性吗?
好像JBuilderX 里面又用不上泛型等新特性。编译器老报错。

7.Re:jdk1.5alpha 出来了 [Re: daqin] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Kaninchen
Posted on: 2003-12-24 11:31

Tiger !
Tiger !
Tiger !

Swing 好爽!

请问怎么样让 JBX 在 jdk1.5 的JRE 中运行?

8.Re:jdk1.5alpha 出来了 [Re: daqin] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Kaninchen
Posted on: 2003-12-24 11:57

debugging within JBX caused:

-- Cannot start Java debug process VM --
com.sun.jdi.connect.VMStartException: VM initialization failed for: D:\j2sdk1.5.0\bin\javaw -classpath "D:\tomcat-4.1.29-jbx\bin\bootstrap.jar;D:\j2sdk1.5.0\lib\tools.jar" -Dcatalina.home="D:/tomcat-4.1.29-jbx" -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=wanggq:1927,suspend=y org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap -config D:\JBXPRJ\UT2\Tomcat\conf\server8080.xml start
ERROR: JDWP Transport dt_socket failed to initialize, TRANSPORT_LOAD(509) ["debugInit.c",L476]
JDWP exit error JVMTI_ERROR_INTERNAL(113): No transports initialized

9.Re:jdk1.5alpha 出来了 [Re: daqin] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Biubiu
Posted on: 2003-12-24 12:50

Alpha means a looooot of bugs.Tongue
Wait beta.Big Smile

10.Re:jdk1.5alpha 出来了 [Re: daqin] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wes109
Posted on: 2003-12-24 12:51

可以用1.5 启动起来,但不能用

玩玩罢了 Wink

11.Re:jdk1.5alpha 出来了 [Re: daqin] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: rainman
Posted on: 2003-12-26 07:12

Good news to all!

12.Re:jdk1.5alpha 出来了 [Re: wes109] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: toString
Posted on: 2003-12-26 21:20

wes109 wrote:


13.Re:jdk1.5alpha 出来了 [Re: daqin] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: payaqa
Posted on: 2003-12-31 21:16


14."Hello World!" the j2sdk1.5 way [Re: payaqa] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: zerol
Posted on: 2003-12-31 23:47

Compile it and run !

javac -source 1.5
java Test1

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Collections;
import static java.lang.Math.*; // import static

class Test1 {

// enum
static enum Color { red, green, blue };

// varargs
public static void printf(String fmt, Object... args) {
int i = 0;
// foreach on primitive array
for (char c : fmt.toCharArray()) {
if (c == '%')

public static void main(String[] args) {

// Integer list
LinkedList<Integer> xs = new LinkedList<Integer>();
xs.add(new Integer(0)); xs.add(new Integer(1));
Integer x = xs.iterator().next();

Integer mb = Collections.max(xs);

// string list
LinkedList<String> ys = new LinkedList<String>();
ys.add("zero"); ys.add("one");
String y = ys.iterator().next();

// string list list
LinkedList<LinkedList<String>> zss = new LinkedList<LinkedList<String>>();
String z = zss.iterator().next().iterator().next();

// foreach on a collection
for (String s : ys)

// varargs and boxing
printf("Addition: % plus % equals %\n", 1, 1, 2);

// use static import
printf("sin(PI/12) = %\n", sin(PI/12));

// use enums
printf("Colors are %\n", Color.values());

for ( Color c : Color.values() ) {
// switch on enum
switch(c) {
case red:
System.out.println("found red.");
case green:
System.out.println("found green.");
case blue:
System.out.println("found blue.");

Addition: 1 plus 1 equals 2
sin(PI/12) = 0.25881904510252074
Colors are red
found red.
found green.
found blue.

15.Re:jdk1.5alpha 出来了 [Re: daqin] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Starcraft
Posted on: 2004-01-01 00:04


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