Topic: 关于JAVA类库及学习与找工作的问题

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1.关于JAVA类库及学习与找工作的问题 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: RichardCheung
Posted on: 2003-12-09 20:35



是学XML,还是jsp,servlet? j2ee? j2me?

2.Re:关于JAVA类库及学习与找工作的问题 [Re: RichardCheung] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2003-12-09 23:51

Forget about j2ee, j2me, or any fancy hype. Go to a quiet, nice place, have a good mood, then ask yourself what you want, what you want to be. I think this is more important than java, c__. The interests you have on subjects will drive you for the next 10, 20 years, through java or anything else.

3.Re:关于JAVA类库及学习与找工作的问题 [Re: RichardCheung] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: nothing
Posted on: 2003-12-10 08:27


4.Re:关于JAVA类库及学习与找工作的问题 [Re: floater] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wes109
Posted on: 2003-12-10 08:53

floater wrote:
Forget about j2ee, j2me, or any fancy hype. Go to a quiet, nice place, have a good mood, then ask yourself what you want, what you want to be. I think this is more important than java, c__. The interests you have on subjects will drive you for the next 10, 20 years, through java or anything else.


5.Re:关于JAVA类库及学习与找工作的问题 [Re: RichardCheung] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: whoami13
Posted on: 2003-12-10 08:56


6.Re:关于JAVA类库及学习与找工作的问题 [Re: RichardCheung] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: scottding
Posted on: 2003-12-10 10:30


7.Re:关于JAVA类库及学习与找工作的问题 [Re: floater] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: hitaco
Posted on: 2003-12-10 10:33


floater wrote:
Forget about j2ee, j2me, or any fancy hype. Go to a quiet, nice place, have a good mood, then ask yourself what you want, what you want to be. I think this is more important than java, c__. The interests you have on subjects will drive you for the next 10, 20 years, through java or anything else.

8.Re:关于JAVA类库及学习与找工作的问题 [Re: RichardCheung] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2003-12-10 12:16

Yea, but it's hard to see. I have colleagues who were doctors, lawyers, geologists, etc. And they are much better than comp majored.

If you are young and energetic, that's your advantage, make full use of it. Go explore the unknowns, where you've never been before. Get to know friends, who are your "wolf pack". A wolf pack is much easier to survive than a buffalo. Build things, instead of demolish them. Over the time, when you are getting older, you have something you can count on and then settle down.

9.Re:关于JAVA类库及学习与找工作的问题 [Re: RichardCheung] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 良牙_
Posted on: 2003-12-11 10:25


10.Re:关于JAVA类库及学习与找工作的问题 [Re: RichardCheung] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: RichardCheung
Posted on: 2003-12-11 15:15


11.Re:关于JAVA类库及学习与找工作的问题 [Re: RichardCheung] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: subarasiyi
Posted on: 2003-12-11 15:43


12.Re:关于JAVA类库及学习与找工作的问题 [Re: RichardCheung] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: bluejava
Posted on: 2003-12-11 16:33

有篇 java 高手之路可以看看.....

13.Re:关于JAVA类库及学习与找工作的问题 [Re: RichardCheung] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: rlinbb
Posted on: 2003-12-11 17:42

RichardCheung wrote:

你应该去实际的编码,然后看看别人的方法和架构 从基本的东西去理解,会让你很扎实的做好程序员这个角色。
至于以后,你是否会是个好的程序员,还得看程序员是否真是你的兴趣和目标,你的好程序员的定义是什么? 假如达到这个目标后,你的兴趣和目标呢?

14.Re:关于JAVA类库及学习与找工作的问题 [Re: RichardCheung] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2003-12-12 00:20

You know, it took me 12 or more years to get what I have now. I slept 4 hours a day and ate pizza for half a year, and burgerking for another half of a year. Tongue, funny, huh? You've got to love it so you can do something like this.(Well, sleep well and don't get your brain demaged, you need that).

Get you hand dirty and start typing. Here are some of areas that I think a good developer should have.

1. Know the systems, windoz, linux, unix. There are others, IBM, apple, etc. You should be able to install them, config them for normal usage. This will give the general feeling and handy tools.
2. Get to know several most-widely-used languages, c, c++, java, perl, unix shell, so you know most of the aspects of a programming language. There are some classic excellent books, read them, practice them.
3. After you swallow a lot, it's time to sit down and digest them, hook different areas together, like how to use sort in C, how to sniff your network traffic, how to create GUI interface in java....
4. After you get familiar and comfortable with these topics, you may think whether you get quicker, better, cleaner solutions, like how I can just write code once and run in different apps(build a lib), how I can manage the structure for different interface, like web, GUI, etc.
5. Size does matter, when you have millions of lines of code, how you can get in touch with them is a big issue. Different versions, different components and communication between them, etc, are just a few topics among many of them.

Along the way, build your tool set, so you won't fight naked and you have more firepower, especially when you are under pressure.

Along the way, build up your buddy list, so you can call them 2 am in the mornings(hehe..., kidding) when you have questiosn.

And above all, enjoy the journey.

15.Re:关于JAVA类库及学习与找工作的问题 [Re: RichardCheung] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: RichardCheung
Posted on: 2003-12-12 10:37

All you gave are good suggestions````
Thank you all````
AND there is also a problem that is whether I could find a job starting my IT road if I just master Java programming?

16.Re:关于JAVA类库及学习与找工作的问题 [Re: RichardCheung] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: RichardCheung
Posted on: 2003-12-12 10:41

My definition of "master java programming " is just programming with Java freely

17.Re:关于JAVA类库及学习与找工作的问题 [Re: RichardCheung] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: cliff
Posted on: 2003-12-16 00:24


18.Re:关于JAVA类库及学习与找工作的问题 [Re: RichardCheung] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: SIM57530
Posted on: 2003-12-16 10:53

web service is a good choice. However, it did involve a lot. Those skills may involve HTML, Javascript, JSP, Servlet, XML, and JDOM, JAXB, etc. Don't think the Java will do all the job. HTML and Javascript still are essential to the front end. Understanding SQL, database will help you with XML. you have to made decision to master some of them. Some of them you may decide to just understand them. Just as previous replies, it all depends on what you like to be.

19.Re:关于JAVA类库及学习与找工作的问题 [Re: RichardCheung] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 空心菜
Posted on: 2003-12-16 22:18


20.Re:关于JAVA类库及学习与找工作的问题 [Re: RichardCheung] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: plfsh
Posted on: 2003-12-18 16:32


21.Re:关于JAVA类库及学习与找工作的问题 [Re: RichardCheung] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: yeehya
Posted on: 2003-12-24 15:15


22.Re:关于JAVA类库及学习与找工作的问题 [Re: RichardCheung] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 独孤牧
Posted on: 2004-02-04 01:04

floater's view deserve attention!

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