Topic: 请问有没有好的反编译工具,从JAR包中得到.java文件

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1.请问有没有好的反编译工具,从JAR包中得到.java文件 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: crybigbaby
Posted on: 2003-11-03 12:17

2.Re:请问有没有好的反编译工具,从JAR包中得到.java文件 [Re: crybigbaby] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: zerol
Posted on: 2003-11-03 14:45

check out:

among them, JAD is the fastest, sourceagain is the most professional.
I think.

3.Re:请问有没有好的反编译工具,从JAR包中得到.java文件 [Re: crybigbaby] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ringayumi
Posted on: 2003-11-03 17:00

You can try the DJcompiler!

Please use the Google to search.....!

4.Re:请问有没有好的反编译工具,从JAR包中得到.java文件 [Re: crybigbaby] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: yb79528
Posted on: 2003-11-04 09:07


5.Re:请问有没有好的反编译工具,从JAR包中得到.java文件 [Re: crybigbaby] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Tobar
Posted on: 2003-11-04 19:19


6.Re:请问有没有好的反编译工具,从JAR包中得到.java文件 [Re: crybigbaby] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: yb79528
Posted on: 2003-11-05 14:23

to tobar,当然了

7.Re:请问有没有好的反编译工具,从JAR包中得到.java文件 [Re: crybigbaby] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Tobar
Posted on: 2003-11-07 06:19

import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;

public class About extends QQForm

protected Command cmdBack = null;

public About(ui_thread ui_thread1)
super("\u5173\u4E8E", ui_thread1);
cmdBack = new Command("\u8FD4\u56DE", 2, 2);
append("\u817E\u8BAFQQ \nKjava 2.92 build 1013\n");
append("\u6DF1\u5733\u5E02\u817E\u8BAF\u8BA1\u7B97\u673A\u7CFB\u7EDF\u6709\u9650\u516C\u53F8\nCopyRight 2002\n");

protected void OnTimeOut()

public void commandAction(Command command, Displayable displayable)
catch(Exception exception)
System.out.println(exception.getClass().getName() + ": " + exception.getMessage());
"": package javax.microedition.lcdui does not exist at line 8, column 1
"": cannot resolve symbol: class QQForm in class About at line 10, column 28
"": cannot resolve symbol: class Command in class About at line 13, column 15
"": cannot resolve symbol: class ui_thread in class About at line 15, column 18
"": cannot resolve symbol: class Command in class About at line 29, column 31
"": cannot resolve symbol: class Displayable in class About at line 29, column 48
"": cannot resolve symbol: class Command in class About at line 18, column 23
"": cannot resolve symbol: method append (java.lang.String)in class About at line 19, column 9
"": cannot resolve symbol: method append (java.lang.String)in class About at line 20, column 9
"": cannot resolve symbol: method setCommandListener (About)in class About at line 22, column 9
"": cannot resolve symbol: variable qq_parent in class About at line 33, column 13

8.Re:请问有没有好的反编译工具,从JAR包中得到.java文件 [Re: crybigbaby] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: yb79528
Posted on: 2003-11-07 09:48


9.Re:请问有没有好的反编译工具,从JAR包中得到.java文件 [Re: yb79528] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Tobar
Posted on: 2003-11-07 12:25

yb79528 wrote:


10.Re:请问有没有好的反编译工具,从JAR包中得到.java文件 [Re: crybigbaby] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jackern
Posted on: 2003-11-16 17:30


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