Topic: 新人报到,顺便送来SunOneStudio5!

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1.新人报到,顺便送来SunOneStudio5! Copy to clipboard
Posted by: graying
Posted on: 2003-08-14 22:21




2.Re:新人报到,顺便送来SunOneStudio5! [Re: graying] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: graying
Posted on: 2003-08-14 22:24


3.Re:新人报到,顺便送来SunOneStudio5! [Re: graying] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2003-08-15 00:51

Good, but not as good as jb.

4.Re:新人报到,顺便送来SunOneStudio5! [Re: graying] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: zgd
Posted on: 2003-08-15 01:13


5.Re:新人报到,顺便送来SunOneStudio5! [Re: graying] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: menzy
Posted on: 2003-08-15 07:20


6.Re:新人报到,顺便送来SunOneStudio5! [Re: graying] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: yamakasy
Posted on: 2003-08-15 08:41


7.Re:新人报到,顺便送来SunOneStudio5! [Re: graying] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: graying
Posted on: 2003-08-15 19:50



8.Re:新人报到,顺便送来SunOneStudio5! [Re: graying] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: graying
Posted on: 2003-08-17 11:33


9.Re:新人报到,顺便送来SunOneStudio5! [Re: graying] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2003-08-17 11:49

Please contribute more.

Not many people are using this.

If I do so, it's not appropriate to the rules of this bbs, and not fair for others.

We all came here with zero points, and contribute to the community.

If you need something urgent, do a search or ask around here. Folks in here are reasonably helpful.

10.Re:新人报到,顺便送来SunOneStudio5! [Re: graying] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: graying
Posted on: 2003-08-17 16:34

I just need a book on your ftp, and Im not good at speaking on bbs. so...

11.Re:新人报到,顺便送来SunOneStudio5! [Re: graying] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: graying
Posted on: 2003-08-17 16:37

and would u be kind enough to send me a book on your ftp named <eclipse in action> by email <>? thank u so much.

12.Re:新人报到,顺便送来SunOneStudio5! [Re: graying] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2003-08-17 23:34

I have the ebook without appendix d, e, but it's 8MB in size. So if you can find a ftp, I could upload it for you in my evening, email is not working for this size on my end.

13.Re:新人报到,顺便送来SunOneStudio5! [Re: graying] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: graying
Posted on: 2003-08-18 18:40

......Sorry, I have no ftp. Then can u add my qq/msn(2288237/ or leave yours to me and send me by that? I appreciate your help. Thanks for your apply.Smile

14.Re:新人报到,顺便送来SunOneStudio5! [Re: graying] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2003-08-18 22:12

Hehe, I don't have qq/msn at all(I don't know how to use them and no plan to use them due to security concern). For msg, you can drop a msg here.

15.Re:新人报到,顺便送来SunOneStudio5! [Re: graying] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: graying
Posted on: 2003-08-18 22:53

...too complex...give me the url on this ftp just for it and only once ok?
or send it to the email, it's no size limit.
or do you have some other way to send a huge file to the others?
or just give me one dollar here.
3Q3Q3QQQQ (:

16.Re:新人报到,顺便送来SunOneStudio5! [Re: graying] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: chinavrml
Posted on: 2003-08-28 08:59


17.Re:新人报到,顺便送来SunOneStudio5! [Re: graying] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: yb79528
Posted on: 2003-08-28 11:08


18.Re:新人报到,顺便送来SunOneStudio5! [Re: graying] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: gnufeng
Posted on: 2003-08-29 10:52


19.Re:新人报到,顺便送来SunOneStudio5! [Re: graying] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: rostone
Posted on: 2003-08-29 15:49

graying wrote:
and would u be kind enough to send me a book on your ftp named <eclipse in action> by email <>? thank u so much.

20.Re:新人报到,顺便送来SunOneStudio5! [Re: graying] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: agilechen
Posted on: 2003-09-02 21:41

The link is unavailable now. Please help me check the link.

21.Re:新人报到,顺便送来SunOneStudio5! [Re: graying] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: pyjiang
Posted on: 2003-09-22 15:15


22.Re:新人报到,顺便送来SunOneStudio5! [Re: graying] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: gjf181219
Posted on: 2003-10-06 14:24


23.Re:新人报到,顺便送来SunOneStudio5! [Re: graying] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: llcan
Posted on: 2003-10-08 21:52


24.Re:新人报到,顺便送来SunOneStudio5! [Re: graying] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: paohuik
Posted on: 2003-10-09 00:31


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