Topic: jilu,可以谈谈你的SCEA PART2的设计吗?EJB方面按1.1还是2.0?

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1.jilu,可以谈谈你的SCEA PART2的设计吗?EJB方面按1.1还是2.0? Copy to clipboard
Posted by: cablink
Posted on: 2003-05-28 16:00


2.Re:jilu,可以谈谈你的SCEA PART2的设计吗?EJB方面按1.1还是2.0? [Re: cablink] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jllu
Posted on: 2003-05-29 09:09

I used EJB 2.0. Local EJB and CMP.
Follow most of the patterns in Petstore.
Has a ItineryCart like shopping cart as a stateful session bean.
Follow Petstore, Sun will not fail itself.

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