Topic: SCJD essay exam

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1.SCJD essay exam Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jllu
Posted on: 2003-04-02 10:26

那位兄弟把SCJD Part III 的题目贴一下。

我将以SCEA 的Part III的题目答谢。
还有俩份SCEA project.


2.Re:SCJD essay exam [Re: jllu] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jshen01
Posted on: 2003-04-03 10:10

jllu兄,这是SCJD 的ESSAY EXAM试题

1) RMI or socket ? Why ?
2) Describe your UI
3) Extend or modify Data class ?
4) locking mechanism
5) Jtable model used abstract model or your own ?
6) Explain why your application will perform well.
7) Do you think your application is implemented as per of MVC design pattern.
8) What is the command line to launch the client on remote mode
9) Describe the command line of the server

请你把SCEA III 的题目和PROJECT 发给小弟


3.Re:SCJD essay exam [Re: jllu] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jshen01
Posted on: 2003-04-03 10:12


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