Topic: 下标

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1.下标 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 丫丫
Posted on: 2007-10-26 15:47

public class Char
  public static void main(String[] args)
    int []x={10,20,30,40};
    for (int i = 1; i<=4; i++)
        System.out.println (x[i]);
      catch(Exception ex){
        System.out.println ("异常信息:"+i+"超出数组下标范围");

2.Re:下标 [Re: 丫丫] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: zyj0021
Posted on: 2007-10-27 08:23

数组下标 i 应该从0开始!!!!

3.Re:下标 [Re: 丫丫] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: chaostring
Posted on: 2007-11-04 21:25

System.out.println (x[i]);
System.out.println (x[i-1]);

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