Topic: 如何修改另一个类中变量的值

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1.如何修改另一个类中变量的值 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: yikaikai
Posted on: 2007-04-28 14:17

class MyGUI extends JPanel
public JTextArea outTextArea;

public void init()

class Tcpdump implements PacketReceiver

public void receivePacket(Packet packet)
MyGUI.outTextArea.append(packet); //这里有问题,不知道怎么实现这个功能?

2.Re:如何修改另一个类中变量的值 [Re: yikaikai] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: hulizhong
Posted on: 2007-04-28 20:22

Do you mean to change the variable outTextArea of class MyGUI in class Tcpdump ?
class MyGUI extends JPanel
public JTextArea outTextArea;
public JTextArea getOutTextArea(){
return this.outTextArea;

public void init()

class Tcpdump implements PacketReceiver

public void receivePacket(Packet packet)

MyGUI.getOutTextArea().append(packet); //试试这样写行不?
//MyGUI.outTextArea.append(packet); //这里有问题,不知道怎么实现这个功能?

3.Re:如何修改另一个类中变量的值 [Re: yikaikai] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: yikaikai
Posted on: 2007-04-29 10:07

谢谢,就是想要这个效果, 不过报错:

D:\myids\ 无法从静态上下文中引用非静态 变量 this
return this.outTextArea;

4.Re:如何修改另一个类中变量的值 [Re: yikaikai] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: csLittleye
Posted on: 2007-04-30 09:59

inner class or static method

5.Re:如何修改另一个类中变量的值 [Re: yikaikai] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: yikaikai
Posted on: 2007-04-30 12:18


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