Topic: 各位高手能不能用一句话,把path和classpath说清楚.两个我到现在都搞不太清

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1.各位高手能不能用一句话,把path和classpath说清楚.两个我到现在都搞不太清 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: yyqwolf
Posted on: 2007-04-11 20:50


2.Re:各位高手能不能用一句话,把path和classpath说清楚.两个我到现在都搞不太清 [Re: yyqwolf] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Jcat
Posted on: 2007-04-11 22:50

1. Both of them are environment variable

2. PATH answers for OS (both in windows and linux). It is used to include some path (directory) in your shell. Then you can access the executables (refered by PATH) directly anywhere.

3. classpath answers for Java, exactly for commands such like javac or java (It is not necessary for IDEs). classpath is used to introduce or include all classes required to your class. So your class can know where to find other classes. Indeed, all classes in classpath can know each other.

PS. I am not a "高手" which results in more than ONE WORD. Dead

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