Topic: 程序输出有问题(杨晖三角10行输出)

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1.程序输出有问题(杨晖三角10行输出) Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ddddddv
Posted on: 2007-02-21 21:31

public class YangHui {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[][] Tarry={ };
for(int i=0;i<10;i++) {
for(int j=0;j<=i;j++) {
if(j>0 && j<i) {
} else {
Tarry[i][j]=1; }
System.out.println("Tarry[i][j]"+" "); }
System.out.println(); }

2.Re:程序输出有问题(杨晖三角10行输出) [Re: ddddddv] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: JiafanZhou
Posted on: 2007-02-22 06:57

Look at your exception here.. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, at your YangHui.class line9...It is a very very simple Java program. Now what the job left for you to do is to find out why this is out of bound. Don't look at me, I am not going to do that for ye...


3.Re:程序输出有问题(杨晖三角10行输出) [Re: ddddddv] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2007-02-22 19:25

int[][] tarry = new int[10][10];

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