Topic: (DatagramSocket)抛出异常问题!

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1.(DatagramSocket)抛出异常问题! Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wqq0712
Posted on: 2006-08-16 17:20

List lst=new List(6);
DatagramSocket ds;
public Chat()
try{ds=new DatagramSocket(3000);}
catch(Exception ex){ex.printStackTrace();}

public List(int rows)
throws HeadlessException

public DatagramSocket(int port)
throws SocketException


2.Re:(DatagramSocket)抛出异常问题! [Re: wqq0712] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2006-08-16 19:26

HeadlessException is a RuntimeException, an unchecked exception, i.e. exceptions that are not subject to the "Catch or Specify Requirement";
SocketException is not.

3.Re:(DatagramSocket)抛出异常问题! [Re: wqq0712] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wqq0712
Posted on: 2006-08-17 11:47

Thank you

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