Topic: 总不能让用户去设置运行参数“-mxx250m”吧,是不?

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1.总不能让用户去设置运行参数“-mxx250m”吧,是不? Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 肩膀上的阳光
Posted on: 2006-08-10 11:56

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space


2.Re:总不能让用户去设置运行参数“-mxx250m”吧,是不? [Re: 肩膀上的阳光] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2006-08-13 06:23

Are you really using Applet to develop software for your client???

You need to talk with your boss, almost nobody does that any more.

The only meaningful and useful Applets are mostly teaching/demo software used by teachers and trainers.

Applets are not dead for this very reason...

3.Re:总不能让用户去设置运行参数“-mxx250m”吧,是不? [Re: 肩膀上的阳光] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: JiafanZhou
Posted on: 2006-09-06 22:18

There is no way to set up the -mxx250m in the browser in my opinion....try to profile your applet so as not to use too much memory space, would be the best choice..


4.Re:总不能让用户去设置运行参数“-mxx250m”吧,是不? [Re: 肩膀上的阳光] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 肩膀上的阳光
Posted on: 2006-09-07 10:43


Ihave reduced the memory usage and it runs well. But I come into another problem.
please have a look this link below:

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