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Posted by: cn Posted on: 2003-03-20 19:55 Glossary of Java and Related Terms - Chinese (Simplified) 百分之百纯 Java(TM) 由 Sun Microsystems 公司首创,指导应用程序开发者进行软件的编写、认证及销售。 A 抽象窗口工具箱 (AWT) 由某些图形用户界面 (GUI) 组件所构成。这些组件都是用各自的本地平台版本来实现的,提供了所有本地平台所共有功能的子集。大部分功能都被“Swing 集合”所取代。另见 Swing 集合。 抽象类 包含一种或多种抽象方法的类,不需要构造实例。定义抽象类后,其它类可以对它进行扩充并且通过实现其中的抽象方法,使抽象类具体化。 抽象方法 尚未实现的方法。 实际参数列表 特定方法调用中指定的参数。另见 形式参数列表。 α值 表示像素的不透明度。 API 应用编程接口。是一种规范,指明编写应用程序的程序员应如何访问类和对象的行为和状态。 设备 指用 JMAPI 构造的应用程序来管理的联网设备,如打印机、Java 终端、客户机等。 Applet 小程序 用 Java 语言编写的程序,运行在兼容 Java 的 web 浏览器(如 HotJava(TM) 和 Netscape Navigator(TM))中。 变量 方法调用中指定的数据项。可以是用字母表示的值,也可以是变量或表达式。 数组 由相同类型的数据项所构成,其中各项的位置都由一个整数来唯一指定。 ASCII 美国信息交换标准代码,即为每个字符都分配一个 7 位数字的代码。另见 统一码 (Unicode)。 原语 指在任何条件下都不使之中断或处于不完整状态的操作。 B 程序节 (Bean) 可重用软件组件。将它们组合起来使用就可创建出应用程序 二元运算符 有两个变量的运算符。 位 计算机中表示信息的最小单位,用 0 和 1 来表示。 位运算符 按位操作两个值的运算符,即将其中一个值的各位与另一个值对应的各位相比较。 程序块 (block) Java 中是指两个大括弧间的任一段代码。例如:{ x = 1; }。 布尔变量 值只能为“真”或“假”的表达式或变量。Java 提供布尔类型及字面值“真”和“假”。 边界框 对于光栅对象,是指将那些非完全透明的像素全都包围起来后形成的最小矩形。 字节 一串 8 位 数字。Java 提供相应的 byte 类型。 字节码 与机器无关的代码,由 Java 编译器生成,Java 解释器来执行。 C 强制转换 从一种数据类型显式转换到另一种数据类型。 类 ava 中的一种对象类型,用于描述一类特定的对象。类定义中除了实例变量、类变量、方法的定义外,还指定了类和其直接超类间的接口。如果未明确指定超类,则视之为 Object。 类方法 类的任一个特定对象都能调用的方法。它作用于整个类,而不是类的某个特定实例。类方法也称为 静态方法。另见 实例方法。 类路径 是一个环境变量,指示 Java 虚拟机及其它应用程序到哪去查找类库(包括用户自定义类库)。例如,Java 工具位于 JDK1.1.X\bin 目录中。 类变量 与整个类相关而不是与类的某些特定实例相关的数据项。在类定义中加以定义。类变量也称为 静态域。另见 实例变量。 客户机 在客户机/服务器模式的通信系统中,客户机模式是指远程访问服务器上的资源,如计算能力和大容量内存。 代码位置 与 <APPLET> 标记中的 code 属性一块起作用,指出应到哪去查找主要的 applet 小程序类文件:代码属性指出文件的名称,代码基准指出该文件所在目录的 URL。 注释 是指程序中的解释性文字,编译器将不对其进行编译。在 Java 程序中,注释用 // 或 /*...*/。 编译单位 源代码被编译的最小单位。当前 Java 的实现过程中,编译单位就是一个文件。 编译器 是一个可将源代码转化为计算机可执行代码的程序。Java 编译器将 Java 源代码转化为 Java 字节码。另见 解释器。 合成 将一个图像叠加在另一个图像上,构成单个图像的过程。 构造方法 创建对象的伪方法。Java 中,构造方法为实例方法,名称与其类名相同,是使用 new 关键字来调用的。 核心类 是一个公共类(或接口)。它是 Java 平台的标准成员。目的是为了所有运行 Java 平台的操作系统都可以最低限度地使用它。纯 Java 程序只依赖于核心类,也就是说它可在任何地方运行。所有的核心类都位于 java.* 软件包中。 临界部分 是一段代码,其中某线程使用的资源(如某个实例变量)也可被其它线程使用,但不能被它们同时使用。 D 声明 建立标识符及相关属性的语句。没有必要为其预留存储空间(对于数据)或提供实现过程(对于方法)。另见 定义。 定义 这里的声明表示需要为标识符预留存储空间(对于数据)或提供实现过程(对于方法)。另见 声明。 祈免 指不再推荐使用且将来也可能不再存在的类、接口、构造函数、方法或域。 导出 如果类 X 扩充 了类 Y,我们就说类 X 是从类 Y 导出的。另见 子类、超类 。 分布式 不止在一个地址空间上运行。 双精度 Java 语言规范中是指用 64 位数字来描述一个浮点数。另见 单精度。 E EmbeddedJava(TM) 用于大容量嵌入设备的 Java 运行时环境。 封装 将知识放置在一个模块内。由于对象封装有数据和实现方法,因此用户就可以将其视为一个提供服务的黑匣子,可向其中添加实例变量和方法,也可删除或改变其中的实例变量和方法。但只要对象提供的服务保持不变,使用该对象的程序代码就还可以继续使用它而不必被重写。另见 实例变量、实例方法。 异常 程序执行期间发生的事件,将阻止程序继续出现错误。Java 支持带有 try、catch 和 throw 关键字的异常。另见 异常处理程序。 异常处理程序 对指定 异常类型发生反应的一段代码。如果发生的异常事件是程序可恢复的错误,那么异常处理程序执行后,该程序就还能恢复过来。 可执行内容 是指从 HTML 文件内运行的应用程序。另见 applet 小程序。 扩充 为增强功能,类 X 扩充了类 Y,即向 Y 中添加域或方法,或覆盖 Y 中的方法。接口的扩充则是通过添加方法来实现的。这时类 X 就称为类 Y 的子类。另见 导出。 F FCS 首次面向客户。即产品向客户发行的那天。 域 类的数据成员。它不是静态的,除非特别指定其为静态。 FTP 基本的因特网文件传输协议。它是基于 TCP/IP 的,用于获取和存储因特网上各主机间的文件。另见 TCP/IP。 形式参数列表 特定方法定义中指定的参数。另见 实际参数列表。 G 垃圾回收 自动检测和释放不再使用的内存。由于该过程是由 Java 运行时系统来执行的,因此程序员不用显式地释放对象。 GUI 图形用户界面。指使用图形、键盘、鼠标的技术,为某些程序提供简便易用的接口。 H 十六进制 用 16 作为基数的计数系统。数字 0-9 和字母 a-f (或其大写 A-F)表示 0 到 15 这些数。Java 程序中,必须在十六进制数之前冠以 0x。另见 八进制。 层次 一种分级关系,其中除了最高一层(称为根)外,其它每一项都是它上一层那项的专用形式。每项的下一层都可以有一个或多个项。Java 类层次中,根就是 Object 类。 HotJava(TM) 浏览器 Sun Microsystems 公司开发的一个易于定制的 Web 浏览器,是用 Java 语言编写的。 HTML 超文本标记语言。该文件格式以 SGML 为基础,用于因特网中的超文本文档。其简单易学,可嵌入图像、声音、视频流、表格域及简单文本这些格式。使用 URL 嵌入对其它对象的引用。 HTTP 超文本传输协议。该因特网协议以 TCP/IP 为基础,用于从远程主机处获取超文本对象。另见 TCP/IP。 I IDL Java 接口定义语言。是一些 Java API,提供基于标准的与 CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture,公共对象请求代理)的互操作性和连接。 标识符 Java 程序中项的名称。 继承 类自动包含 超类型中所定义的变量和方法的概念。另见 超类、子类。 实例 特定类的一个对象。Java 程序使用 new 运算符后跟类名的方法来创建类的一个实例。 实例方法 有关类实例的调用方法。也可简单称为 方法。另见 类方法。 实例变量 与特定对象相关的数据项。类的每个实例都有它自己变量(定义在类中)的副本。实例变量也称为 域。另见 类变量。 接口 Java 中是指可由几个类来实现的一组方法,而不管这些类各位于哪个层次中。 因特网 由分布在世界上许多国家和组织机构处的数百万台主机(绝对不夸张)构成的一个巨大网络。实际上它由许许多多小网所构成,通过一组公共协议进行数据的传输。 IP 际协议。它是因特网的基本协议,用于主机间单个信息包的不可靠传输。该协议不能保证信息包的传送与否、传送时间是多长以及所传送的多个信息包是否是按顺序抵达的目的地。建立在它上面的协议已添加了连接和可靠性的概念。另见 TCP/IP。 解释器 对某个代码体中的各个语句交替进行解码和执行的模块。Java 解释器作用于 Java 字节码。另见 编译器、运行时系统 。 J JAE Java 应用环境。Java(TM) 开发工具的源代码版本。 JAR 文件 (.jar) Java 存档文件。这种文件格式是将许多文件合并成一个文件。 JAR 文件格式 JAR(Java 存档文件)是一种与平台无关的文件格式,它是将许多文件合并成一个文件。在只有 HTTP (超文本传输协议)的信息处理中,可先将多个 Java applet 小程序及其必需组件(类文件、图像、声音及其它资源)捆绑到一个 JAR 文件中,然后再依次下载到浏览器上。该格式还支持文件压缩和数字签名功能。 Java(TM) Sun Microsystems 公司开发的面向对象编程语言。它的特点是“只需编写一次,就可在任意环境下运行”。 Java 应用环境 (JAE) Java(TM) 开发工具的源代码版本。 JavaBeans(TM) 具有可移植性、与平台无关性的可重用组件模型。 Java(TM) Blend(TM) 该产品允许数据库应用程序的开发者将数据库记录映射为 Java 对象(或反之)以简化开发过程。 Java(TM) Card(TM) API 符合 ISO 7816-4 的应用程序环境。主要用于智能卡的开发。 JavaCheck(TM) 用以检查应用程序、applet 小程序是否符合某个规范的工具。 JavaChip(TM) Sun 开发的处理器,能够执行 Java 本地字节码。这样字节码就可以绕过虚拟机或即时编译器阶段而直接到达该处理器。 Java 计算 使用标准网络协议的计算体系。它利用网络、数据及 Java 应用程序的普遍可用性,将各项服务动态发送给更广泛类型的设备。这些设备都能运行 Java 程序。 Java 数据库连接 (JDBC(TM)) 是指 Java 和许多数据库间连接的工业标准。这种连接独立于数据库。JDBC(TM) 提供了基于 SQL 数据库访问的调用级 API。 Java(SM) Developer Connection(SM) (JDC) 一项为个人开发者设计的服务。可提供联机培训、产品优惠、特色文章、错误信息及提前访问能力。 Java(TM) 开发工具 (JDK(TM)) 用 Java 语言编写 applet 小程序和应用程序的软件开发环境。 Java 电子商务框架 (JECF) 用 Java 语言编写电子商务应用程序的结构化体系。 Java 企业级 API 使用该 API 很容易创建大型的商务和数据库应用程序。这类应用程序可在某个组织机构内或通过因特网与其它应用程序共享多媒体数据。迄今为止 Java 企业级 API 家族中已有四个成员 Java(TM) 基类 (JFC) 一种扩展,是指向抽象窗口工具箱 (AWT) 中添加图形用户界面类库。 Java 接口定义语言 (IDL) 是一些 Java API,提供基于标准的与 CORBA(Common Object Request Broker Architecture,公共对象请求代理人体系)的互操作性和连接。 Java 媒体 API 一组支持多种媒体集成的 API。这些媒体包括音频芯片、视频芯片、二维字体、图形、图像以及三维模型和电话技术。 Java 媒体框架 (JMF) 该核心框架支持不同媒体(如:音频输出和视频输出)间的时钟同步。它是一个标准的扩展框架,允许用户制作纯音频流和视频流。 Java(TM) 命名和目录接口(TM) (JNDI) 一组帮助做多个命名和目录服务接口的 API。 JavaOS(TM) 一个优化成可在多种计算和用户平台上运行 Java 的平台。它能将运行时间特地调成直接在硬件平台上运行 Java 应用程序,而不需要主机的操作系统。 JavaPlan(TM) 面向对象的设计和编程工具,用 Java 语言编写。 Java 平台 由 Java(TM) 虚拟机和 Java 核心类所构成。它为纯 Java 程序提供了统一的编程接口,而不管下层操作系统是什么。 Java 远程方法调用 (RMI) 用于 Java 应用程序间的分布式对象模型。使用它,可从其它 Java 虚拟机(可能式不同的主机)处调用远程 Java 对象的方法。 Java 运行时环境 (JRE) Java(TM) 开发工具的一个子集。由想要重新分布 JRE 的终端用户和开发者使用。JRE 包括 Java 虚拟机、Java 核心类及支持文件。 JavaSafe(TM) 跟踪和管理源文件变化的工具,用 Java 语言编写。 JavaScript(TM) 一种用于浏览器和 Web 服务器中的脚本语言。它与 Java 关系并不大,因此这个名称容易引起不必要的混乱。与其它脚本语言类似,它最常用在将其它组件组合在一起或接受用户输入的情况。 Java(TM) Studio(TM) 第一个 Java 程序,用它可以在不懂 Java 语言的情况下就很容易地创建 Java 应用程序和 applet 小程序。 Java(TM) 虚拟机 (JVM) Java 运行时环境负责解释 Java 字节码的部分。 Java(TM) Web Server(TM) 是一个具备易用性、可扩展性、易管理性、安全性、与平台无关性这些特点的解决方案。它能简化对因特网和企业内部互联网 Web 站点的部署和管理过程,从而加快 Java 服务器应用程序的开发效率,使其功能更强大、更全面。 Java(TM) Workshop(TM) 一套集成在单一环境中的完整工具,用于 Java 编程的管理。它使用高度模块化结构,因此很容易就可以将新增的工具插入到整个结构中。 Java 钱包 建立在 Java 电子商务框架之上的用户界面。可用其进行联机购物、值传递及管理性功能。 JavaSpaces(TM) 提供 Java 代码的分布式存储和数据交换。 JavaSoft(TM) Sun Microsystems 公司从前的业务部门,如今名为 Sun Microsystems, Inc., Java Software Division。 JDBC(TM) Java 数据库连接。是指 Java 和许多数据库间连接的工业标准。这种连接独立于数据库。JDBC(TM) 提供了基于 SQL 数据库访问的调用级 API。 JDC Java(SM) Developer Connection(SM)。一项为个人开发者设计的服务。可提供联机培训、产品优惠、特色文章、错误信息及初期访问能力。 JDK(TM) Java(TM) 开发工具。用 Java 语言编写 applet 小程序和应用程序的软件开发环境。 JECF Java 电子商务框架。用 Java 语言编写电子商务应用程序的结构化体系。 JFC Java(TM) 基类。一种扩展,是指向抽象窗口工具箱 (AWT) 中添加图形用户界面类库。 JMAPI Java 管理 API。是指各种 Java 语言类和接口的集合。用它可以开发系统、网络及服务等管理性方面的应用程序。 JNDI Java(TM) 命名和目录接口(TM)。一组帮助做多个命名和目录服务接口的 API。 JPEG 联合图像专家组。是指该组建立的一种图像文件压缩标准。这种方法通过向图像中引进基本察觉不到的变形, 极大限度地压缩图像。 JRE Java 运行时环境。Java(TM) 开发工具的一个子集。由想要重新分布 JRE 的终端用户和开发者使用。JRE 包括 Java 虚拟机、Java 核心类及支持文件。 即时 (JIT) 编译器 此编译器在 Java 程序运行时将所有的字节码都转换为本地机器码。这样运行速度就比用 Java 虚拟机对代码进行解释的方式有所提高。 JVM Java 虚拟机。Java 运行时环境负责解释 Java 字节码的部分。 K L 词法分析 关于源代码中的字符是如何翻译成编译器可以理解的标识符的。 连接器 该模块可将各组件机器代码模块建成一个可执行的、完整的程序。它从编译好的类中创建一个可运行的程序。另见 编译器、解释器、运行时系统。 字面值 整数、浮点数或字符值的基本表示。例如:3.0 表示一个单精度浮点数的字面值,"a" 表示一个字符的字面值。 本地变量 指作用在某个程序块内,而其它程序块中的代码不能访问的数据项。例如,定义在某个 Java 方法中的变量就是本地变量,不能在该方法外使用。 M 成员 类的 域 或 方法。它不是静态的,除非特别指定其为静态。 方法 定义在类中的函数。另见 实例方法 、类方法。它不是静态的,除非特别指定其为静态。 Mosaic 是一个程序,它提供简单的图形用户界面 (GUI),使用户能很容易地访问存储在因特网上的数据。这些数据可以是简单文件,也可以是超文本文档。Mosaic 由 NCSA 的一个小组编写。 多线程 描述这样一个程序,它被设计为可同时执行其代码的多个部分。另见 线程。 N NCSA National Center for Supercomputer Applications(国家超级计算机应用中心)。另见 Mosaic。 O 对象 面向对象程序的主构造块。每个对象都是一个程序单位,由数据 (实例变量) 和函数 (实例方法)构成。另见 类。 面向对象设计 一种软件设计方法。它使用类和对象的概念来模拟抽象对象或实对象的特征。 八进制 用 8 作为基数、用数字 0-7 作为数的计数系统。Java 程序中,必须在八进制数之前冠以 0。另见 十六进制。 重写 指在同一范围内可使用同一个标识符来表示多个项。Java 中,可对方法进行重写,但不能对变量或运算符进行重写。 重载 将最初定义在类中的方法在其子类中再加以不同的实现。 P 包 一组 类型。用关键字 package 进行声明。 同级设备 是指网络中任何与另一实体位于同一协议层的功能部件。 PersonalJava(TM) 一种 Java 运行环境,用于开发那些用在个人家庭、办公室及汽车中的用户设备上的可联网应用程序。 像素 显示屏或打印页上可对图像进行访问的最小元素。 POSIX 可移植的 Unix 操作系统。该标准通过一组最小支持函数定义了 Unix 操作系统和应用程序间的语言接口。 进程 是指一段包含一个或多个线程的虚拟地址空间 属性 可由用户进行设置的对象的特征,如窗口的颜色。 Q R 光栅 一行像素。 引用 其值为地址的数据元素。 RFE 请求提高。 RMI 参见 Java 远程方法调用。 根 是指项层次中所有其它项都位于其下的那一项。没有任何项位于它上面。另见 层次、类、 包。 RPC 远程过程调用。是指将网络信息包发送给某个远程主机,它执行起来类似一般的过程调用(或方法调用)。 运行时系统 Java 虚拟机可以运行的软件环境,程序在此进行编译。运行时系统包括下列过程所需的所有代码:加载 Java 程序、动态连接本地方法、管理内存、处理异常以及实现 Java 虚拟机(可能是 Java 解释器)。 S 砂箱 由一些协同操作系统组件构成。从安全管理程序(作为应用程序的一部分执行)到安全措施(设计在 Java 虚拟机和语言本身中)都包括在砂箱中。它能确保那些不可靠、可能怀有恶意的应用程序无法访问到系统资源。 使用范围 用来确定标识符可在哪使用的特征。Java 中的大多数标识符都有类范围或本地范围。其中实例变量、类变量和方法具有类范围,即只能用在相应类(或子类)的内部,除非加一个前缀类实例(对于类变量和方法)或类名表示它们可以用在类的外部。其它变量都在方法内加以声明,它们具有本地范围,即只能用在封装区内。 安全套接口层 (SSL) 该协议允许 Web 浏览器和服务器之间基于安全进行加密方式的通信。 服务小程序 服务器端程序,它能赋予服务器(可运行 Java 程序)额外的功能 单精度 是指 Java 语言规范中用一个 32 位数来表示浮点数。另见 双精度。 SGML 标准通用标记语言。它由 ISO/ANSI/ECMA 联合制订,指定了一种用文档各类部分的有关信息来标注文本文档的方法。 静态域 类变量 的另一种叫法。 静态方法 类方法 的另一种叫法。 子数组 该数组位于另一个数组内部。 子类 从某个特定类中(也可能会不止一个类)导出的类。另见 超类、 超类型。 子类型 如果类型 X 扩充 或实现了类型 Y,那么就说 X 是 Y 的子类型。另见 超类型。 超类 某个特定的类由其(可能不止一个)导出。另见 子类、子类型。 超类型 一个类型的超类型是指所有那些由该类型实现或扩展出的接口和类。另见 子类型、超类。 开关 指命令行参数,如 -r、-d 等等。 Swing 集合 由所有 Java 图形用户界面 (GUI) 组件所构成, 可运行在任一支持 Java 虚拟机(JVM) 的本地平台上。 由于这些组件全都是用 Java 语言编写的, 因此它们可以提供比本地平台 GUI 组件更多的功能。 (与 抽象窗口工具箱对比。) T TCP/IP 基于网际协议 (IP) 的传输控制协议。它是一个因特网协议,提供了数据流从一个主机到另一个主机的可靠传输。另见 IP。 瘦客户机 该系统运行着一个具有无本地系统管理的非常轻便的操作系统,它通过网络执行传送过来的 Java 程序。 线程 程序的基本执行单位。一个进程可以有若干个线程在并发运行,其中每个线程都执行不同的任务,如等待某些事件的发生,完成程序继续执行前无需完成的耗时性工作等。线程完成自己的工作后,就会被挂起或摧毁掉。另见 进程 。 类型 类或接口。 U 统一码 (Unicode) 国际标准化组织 (ISO) 10646 定义的 16 位字符集。另见 ASCII。所有的 Java 源代码都是用统一码 (Unicode)编写的。 URL 统一资源定位器。是一种标准,即对 WWW 中的任一块数据用一段文字来加以引用。 URL 形如 "protocol://host/localinfo",其中 protocol 指获取对象所用的协议(如 HTTP 或 FTP),host 指主机在因特网上的名称,localinfo 指传送给远程主机上的协议进行处理的字符串(通常为文件名)。 V 变量 命名为标识符的数据项。每个变量都有自己的类型(如 int 或 Object)和使用范围。另见 类变量、实例变量 、本地变量。 虚拟机 一种用于计算设备的规范,可用不同的方式(软件或硬件)加以实现。编译虚拟机的指令集与编译微处理器的指令集非常类似。Java 虚拟机包括一套字节码指令集、一组寄存器、一个栈、一个垃圾回收堆和一个存储方法域。 W wait 是一个 UNIX 命令。它等待所有后台进程都完成后报告各自的结束状态。 全球可读文件 某个文件系统中任一用户都可以查看(或阅读)的文件。例如:对位于 Web 服务器上的文件,如果其权限设为“全球可读”,那么因特网用户就可以查看这些文件。 包装对象 是这样一个对象,它以某种方式包装并代表另一个对象以改变其界面或行为。 WWW 万维网。由因特网中的各种系统和数据构成的网。另见 因特网。 X Y Z ============================================ =========================================== GLOSSARY OF JAVATM TECHNOLOGY-RELATED TERMS Notes 1. For simplicity, "the Java language" is called Java in the rest o f this document. 2. If you wish to print this document, for best results use the printable version linked to in the left-hand column. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z 100% Pure Java(TM); A Sun Microsystems initiative to guide developers in writing, certifying, and marketing applications written entirely in the Java(TM) programming language. A Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) A collection of graphical user interface (GUI) components that were implemented using native-platform versions of the components. These components provide that subset of functionality which is common to all native platforms. Largely supplanted by the Project Swing component set. See also Swing Set. abstract A Java(TM) programming language keyword used in a class definition to specify that a class is not to be instantiated, but rather inherited by other classes. An abstract class can have abstract methods that are not implemented in the abstract class, but in subclasses. abstract class A class that contains one or more abstract methods, and therefore can never be instantiated. Abstract classes are defined so that other classes can extend them and make them concrete by implementing the abstract methods. abstract method A method that has no implementation. access control The methods by which interactions with resources are limited to collections of users or programs for the purpose of enforcing integrity, confidentiality, or availability constraints. ACID The acronym for the four properties guaranteed by transactions: atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability. activation The process of transferring an enterprise bean from secondary storage to memory. (See passivation.) actual parameter list The arguments specified in a particular method call. See also formal parameter list. alpha value A value that indicates the opacity of a pixel. API Application Programming Interface. The specification of how a programmer writing an application accesses the behavior and state of classes and objects. applet A component that typically executes in a Web browser, but can execute in a variety of other applications or devices that support the applet programming model. Applet container A container that includes support for the applet programming model. appliances Networked devices such as printers, Java(TM) technology-enabled terminals, and clients, that are managed using applications built using the Java Management API (JMAPI). Application Assembler A person that combines components and modules into larger deployable application units. application client A first-tier client program that executes in its own Java Virtual Machine. application client container A container that supports application clients and provides a federated view of the J2EE platform APIs. application client module A software unit that consists of one or more classes and an application client deployment descriptor. Application Component Provider A vendor that provides the Java classes that implement components' methods, JSP page definitions, and any required deployment descriptors. APM Application Programming Model. A programming model that defines how to use and combine the features of the J2EE platform to create solutions for common application domains in the enterprise. argument A data item specified in a method call. An argument can be a literal value, a variable, or an expression. array A collection of data items, all of the same type, in which each item's position is uniquely designated by an integer. ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A standard assignment of 7-bit numeric codes to characters. See also Unicode. atomic Refers to an operation that is never interrupted or left in an incomplete state under any circumstance. authentication The process by which an entity proves to another entity that it is acting on behalf of a specific identity. The J2EE platform requires three types of authentication: basic, form-based, and mutual. authorization See access control. authorization constraint A set of security roles that are allowed access to the resources in a Web resource collection. B basic authentication When a Web server authenticates an entity with a user name and password obtained using the Web client's built-in authentication mechanism. Bean A reusable software component. Beans can be combined to create an application. bean-managed persistence When the transfer of data between an entity bean instance's variables and the underlying resource manager is managed by the entity bean. bean-managed transaction When an enterprise bean defines the boundaries of the transaction. bean-managed transaction When an enterprise bean defines the boundaries of the transaction. binary operator An operator that has two arguments. bit The smallest unit of information in a computer, with a value of either 0 or 1. bitwise operator An operator that manipulates the bits of one or more of its operands individually and in parallel. Examples include the binary logical operators (&, |, ^), the binary shift operators (<<, >>, >>> and the unary one's complement operator . block In the Java(TM) programming language, any code between matching braces. Example: { x = 1; }. boolean Refers to an expression or variable that can have only a true or false value. The Java(TM) programming language provides the boolean type and the literal values true and false. bounding box The smallest rectangle that encloses a geometric shape. For a Raster object, the smallest rectangle that completely encloses all the defined pixels. break A Java(TM) programming language keyword used to resume program execution at the statement immediately following the current statement. If followed by a label, the program resumes execution at the labeled statement. business logic The code that implements the functionality of an application. In the Enterprise JavaBeans model, this logic is implemented by the methods of an enterprise bean. business method A method of an enterprise bean that implements the business logic or rules of an application. byte A sequence of eight bits. The Java(TM) programming language provides a corresponding byte type. bytecode Machine-independent code generated by the Java(TM) compiler and executed by the Java interpreter. C callback methods Methods in a component called by the container to notify the component of important events in its life cycle. caller Same as caller principal. caller principal The principal that identifies the invoker of an enterprise bean method. case A Java(TM) programming language keyword that defines a group of statements to begin executing if a value specified matches the value defined by a preceding "switch" keyword. casting Explicit conversion from one data type to another. catch A Java(TM) programming language keyword used to declare a block of statements to be executed in the event that a Java exception, or run time error, occurs in a preceding "try" block. char A Java(TM) programming language keyword used to declare a variable of type character. class In the Java(TM) programming language, a type that defines the implementation of a particular kind of object. A class definition defines instance and class variables and methods, as well as specifying the interfaces the class implements and the immediate superclass of the class. If the superclass is not explicitly specified, the superclass will implicitly be Object. class method A method that is invoked without reference to a particular object. Class methods affect the class as a whole, not a particular instance of the class. Also called a static method. See also instance method. classpath A classpath is an environmental variable which tells the Java(TM) virtual machine* and Java technology-based applications (for example, the tools located in the JDK(TM) 1.1.X\bin directory) where to find the class libraries, including user-defined class libraries. class variable A data item associated with a particular class as a whole--not with particular instances of the class. Class variables are defined in class definitions. Also called a static field. See also instance variable. client In the client/server model of communcations, the client is a process that remotely accesses resources of a compute server, such as compute power and large memory capacity. codebase Works together with the code attribute in the <APPLET> tag to give a complete specification of where to find the main applet class file: code specifies the name of the file, and codebase specifies the URL of the directory containing the file. comment In a program, explanatory text that is ignored by the compiler. In programs written in the Java(TM) programming language, comments are delimited using // or /*...*/. commit The point in a transaction when all updates to any resources involved in the transaction are made permanent. compilation unit The smallest unit of source code that can be compiled. In the current implementation of the Java(TM) platform, the compilation unit is a file. compiler A program to translate source code into code to be executed by a computer. The Java(TM) compiler translates source code written in the Java programming language into bytecode for the Java virtual machine*. See also interpreter. component An application-level software unit supported by a container. Components are configurable at deployment time. The J2EE platform defines four types of components: enterprise beans, Web components, applets, and application clients. component contract The contract between a component and its container. The contract includes: life cycle management of the component, a context interface that the instance uses to obtain various information and services from its container, and a list of services that every container must provide for its components. component environment A set of requirements defined by the Application Component Provider required to be available to a J2EE component in its naming environment. The environment entries are declaratively specified in the component's deployment descriptor. Each component names and accesses its environment configuration values using the java:comp/env JNDI context. These values can be objects a component is dependent on, such as a JDBC DataSource or a simple value such as a tax rate. compositing The process of superimposing one image on another to create a single image. connection See resource manager connection. connection factory See resource manager connection factory. connector A standard extension mechanism for containers to provide connectivity to EISs. A connector is specific to an EIS and consists of a resource adapter and application development tools for EIS connectivity. The resource adapter is plugged in to a container through its support for system level contracts defined in the connector architecture. connector architecture An architecture for integration of J2EE servers with EISs. There are two parts to this architecture: a EIS vendor-provided resource adapter and a J2EE server that allows this resource adapter to plug in. This architecture defines a set of contracts that a resource adapter has to support to plug in to a J2EE server, for example, transactions, security, resource management. constructor A pseudo-method that creates an object. In the Java(TM) programming language, constructors are instance methods with the same name as their class. Constructors are invoked using the new keyword. const This is a reserved Java(TM) programming language keyword. However, it is not used by current versions of the Java programming language. container An entity that provides life cycle management, security, deployment, and runtime services to components. Each type of container (EJB, Web, JSP, servlet, applet, and application client) also provides component-specific services. container-managed persistence When transfer of data between an entity bean's variables and the underlying resource manager is managed by the enterprise bean's container. container-managed transaction When an EJB container defines the boundaries of a transaction. An entity bean must use container-managed transactions. context attribute An object bound into the context associated with a servlet. continue A Java(TM) programming language keyword used to resume program execution at the end of the current loop. If followed by a label, "continue" resumes execution where the label occurs. conversational state The field values of a session bean plus the transitive closure of the objects reachable from the bean's fields. The transitive closure of a bean is defined in terms of the serialization protocol for the Java programming language, that is, the fields that would be stored by serializing the bean instance. CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture. A language independent, distributed object model specified by the Object Management Group (OMG). core class A public class (or interface) that is a standard member of the Java(TM) Platform. The intent is that the core classes for the Java platform, at minimum, are available on all operating systems where the Java platform runs. A program written entirely in the Java programming language relies only on core classes, meaning it can run anywhere. See also, 100% Pure Java(TM). Core Packages The required set of APIs in a Java platform edition which must be supported in any and all compatible implementations. create method A method defined in the home interface and invoked by a client to create an enterprise bean. credentials The information describing the security attributes of a principal. Credentials can be acquired only through authentication or delegation. critical section A segment of code in which a thread uses resources (such as certain instance variables) that can be used by other threads, but that must not be used by them at the same time. CTS Compatibility Test Suite. A suite of compatibility tests for verifying that a J2EE product complies with the J2EE platform specification. D declaration A statement that establishes an identifier and associates attributes with it, without necessarily reserving its storage (for data) or providing the implementation (for methods). See also definition. default A Java(TM) programming language keyword optionally used after all "case" conditions in a "switch" statement. If all "case" conditions are not matched by the value of the "switch" variable, the "default" keyword will be executed. definition A declaration that reserves storage (for data) or provides implementation (for methods). See also declaration. delegation An act whereby one principal authorizes another principal to use its identity or privileges with some restrictions. Deployer A person who installs modules and J2EE applications into an operational environment. deployment The process whereby software is installed into an operational environment. deployment descriptor An XML file provided with each module and application that describes how they should be deployed. The deployment descriptor directs a deployment tool to deploy a module or application with specific container options and describes specific configuration requirements that a deployer must resolve. deprecation Refers to a class, interface, constructor, method or field that is no longer recommended, and may cease to exist in a future version. derived from Class X is "derived from" class Y if class X extends class Y. See also subclass, superclass. distributed Running in more than one address space. distributed application An application made up of distinct components running in separate runtime environments, usually on different platforms connected via a network. Typical distributed applications are two-tier (client/server), three-tier (client/middleware/server), and n-tier (client/multiple middleware/multiple servers). do A Java(TM) programming language keyword used to declare a loop that will iterate a block of statements. The loop`s exit condition can be specified with the "while" keyword. DOM Document Object Model. A tree of objects with interfaces for traversing the tree and writing an XML version of it, as defined by the W3C specification. double A Java(TM) programming language keyword used to define a variable of type double. double precision In the Java(TM) programming language specification, describes a floating point number that holds 64 bits of data. See also single precision. DTD Document Type Definition. A description of the structure and properties of a class of XML files. E EJB container A container that implements the EJB component contract of the J2EE architecture. This contract specifies a runtime environment for enterprise beans that includes security, concurrency, life cycle management, transaction, deployment, and other services. An EJB container is provided by an EJB or J2EE server. EJB Container Provider A vendor that supplies an EJB container. EJB context An object that allows an enterprise bean to invoke services provided by the container and to obtain the information about the caller of a client-invoked method. EJB home object An object that provides the life cycle operations (create, remove, find) for an enterprise bean. The class for the EJB home object is generated by the container's deployment tools. The EJB home object implements the enterprise bean's home interface. The client references an EJB home object to perform life cycle operations on an EJB object. The client uses JNDI to locate an EJB home object. EJB .jar file A JAR archive that contains an EJB module. EJB module A software unit that consists of one or more enterprise beans and an EJB deployment descriptor. EJB object An object whose class implements the enterprise bean's remote interface. A client never references an enterprise bean instance directly; a client always references an EJB object. The class of an EJB object is generated by the container's deployment tools. EJB server Software that provides services to an EJB container. For example, an EJB container typically relies on a transaction manager that is part of the EJB server to perform the two-phase commit across all the participating resource managers. The J2EE architecture assumes that an EJB container is hosted by an EJB server from the same vendor, so does not specify the contract between these two entities. An EJB server may host one or more EJB containers. EJB Server Provider A vendor that supplies the EJB server. EIS resource An entity that provides EIS-specific functionality to its clients. Examples are: a record or set of records in a database system, a business object in an ERP system, and a transaction program in a transaction processing system. else A Java(TM) programming language keyword used to execute a block of statements in the case that the test condition with the "if" keyword evaluates to false. EmbeddedJava(TM) Technology The availability of Sun's Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition technology under a restrictive license agreement that allows a licensee to leverage certain Java technologies to create and deploy a closed-box application that exposes no APIs. encapsulation The localization of knowledge within a module. Because objects encapsulate data and implementation, the user of an object can view the object as a black box that provides services. Instance variables and methods can be added, deleted, or changed, but as long as the services provided by the object remain the same, code that uses the object can continue to use it without being rewritten. See also instance variable, instance method. enterprise bean A component that implements a business task or business entity; either an entity beans or a session bean. Enterprise Information System (EIS) The applications that comprise an enterprise's existing system for handling company-wide information. These applications provide an information infrastructure for an enterprise. An EIS offers a well defined set of services to its clients. These services are exposed to clients as local and/or remote interfaces. Examples of EISs include: an ERP system, a mainframe transaction processing system, and a legacy database system. Enterprise Bean Provider An application programmer who produces enterprise bean classes, remote and home interfaces, and deployment descriptor files, and packages them in an EJB .jar file. Enterprise JavaBeans(TM) (EJ A component architecture for the development and deployment of object-oriented, distributed, enterprise-level applications. Applications written using the Enterprise JavaBeans architecture are scalable, transactional, and multi-user and secure. entity bean An enterprise bean that represents persistent data maintained in a database. An entity bean can manage its own persistence or it can delegate this function to its container. An entity bean is identified by a primary key. If the container in which an entity bean is hosted crashes, the entity bean, its primary key, and any remote references survive the crash. ebXML ebXML builds upon the XML (Extensive Markup Language) standard to deliver a modular suite of specifications that enables enterprises of any size and in any geographical location to conduct business over the Internet. It provides companies and organizations with a standard method to exchange business messages, conduct trading relationships, communicate data in common terms and define and register business processes. exception An event during program execution that prevents the program from continuing normally; generally, an error. The Java(TM) programming language supports exceptions with the try, catch, and throw keywords. See also exception handler. exception handler A block of code that reacts to a specific type of exception. If the exception is for an error that the program can recover from, the program can resume executing after the exception handler has executed. executable content An application that runs from within an HTML file. See also applet. extends Class X extends class Y to add functionality, either by adding fields or methods to class Y, or by overriding methods of class Y. An interface extends another interface by adding methods. Class X is said to be a subclass of class Y. See also derived from. F finder method A method defined in the home interface and invoked by a client to locate an entity bean. FCS First Customer Ship. The day in which a product is released/shipped to the customer. field A data member of a class. Unless specified otherwise, a field is not static. final A Java(TM) programming language keyword. You define an entity once and cannot change it or derive from it later. More specifically: a final class cannot be subclassed, a final method cannot be overridden and a final variable cannot change from its initialized value. finally A Java(TM) programming language keyword that executes a block of statements regardless of whether a Java Exception, or run time error, occurred in a block defined previously by the "try" keyword. float A Java(TM) programming language keyword used to define a floating point number variable. for A Java(TM) programming language keyword used to declare a loop that reiterates statements. The programmer can specify the statements to be executed, exit conditions, and initialization variables for the loop. form-based authentication When a Web container provides an application-specific form for logging in. FTP The basic Internet File Transfer Protocol. FTP, which is based on TCP/IP, enables the fetching and storing of files between hosts on the Internet. See also TCP/IP. formal parameter list The parameters specified in the definition of a particular method. See also actual parameter list. G garbage collection The automatic detection and freeing of memory that is no longer in use. The Java(TM) runtime system performs garbage collection so that programmers never explicitly free objects. goto This is a reserved Java(TM) programming language keyword. However, it is not used by current versions of the Java programming language. group A collection of principals within a given security policy domain. GUI Graphical User Interface. Refers to the techniques involved in using graphics, along with a keyboard and a mouse, to provide an easy-to-use interface to some program. H handle An object that identifies an enterprise bean. A client may serialize the handle, and then later deserialize it to obtain a reference to the enterprise bean. hexadecimal The numbering system that uses 16 as its base. The marks 0-9 and a-f (or equivalently A-F) represent the digits 0 through 15. In programs written in the Java(TM) programming language, hexadecimal numbers must be preceded with 0x. See also octal. hierarchy A classification of relationships in which each item except the top one (known as the root) is a specialized form of the item above it. Each item can have one or more items below it in the hierarchy. In the Java(TM) class hierarchy, the root is the Object class. home interface One of two interfaces for an enterprise bean. The home interface defines zero or more methods for creating and removing an enterprise bean. For session beans, the home interface defines create and remove methods, while for entity beans, the home interface defines create, finder, and remove methods. home handle An object that can be used to obtain a reference of the home interface. A home handle can be serialized and written to stable storage and deserialized to obtain the reference. HotJava(TM) Browser An easily customizable Web browser developed by Sun Microsystems, which is written in the Java(TM) programming language. HTML HyperText Markup Language. This is a file format, based on SGML, for hypertext documents on the Internet. It is very simple and allows for the embedding of images, sounds, video streams, form fields and simple text formatting. References to other objects are embedded using URLs. HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol. The Internet protocol, based on TCP/IP, used to fetch hypertext objects from remote hosts. See also TCP/IP. HTTPS HyperText Transfer Protocol layered over the SSL protocol. I IDL Interface Definition Language. APIs written in the Java(TM) programming language that provide standards-based interoperability and connectivity with CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture). identifier The name of an item in a program written in the Java(TM) programming language. IIOP Internet Inter-ORB Protocol. A protocol used for communication between CORBA object request brokers. if A Java(TM) programming language keyword used to conduct a conditional test and execute a block of statements if the test evaluates to true. impersonation An act whereby one entity assumes the identity and privileges of another entity without restrictions and without any indication visible to the recipients of the impersonator's calls that delegation has taken place. Impersonation is a case of simple delegation. implements A Java(TM) programming language keyword optionally included in the class declaration to specify any interfaces that are implemented by the current class. import A Java(TM) programming language keyword used at the beginning of a source file that can specify classes or entire packages to be referred to later without including their package names in the reference. inheritance The concept of classes automatically containing the variables and methods defined in their supertypes. See also superclass, subclass. initialization parameter A parameter that initializes the context associated with a servlet. instance An object of a particular class. In programs written in the Java(TM) programming language, an instance of a class is created using the new operator followed by the class name. instance method Any method that is invoked with respect to an instance of a class. Also called simply a method. See also class method. instance variable Any item of data that is associated with a particular object. Each instance of a class has its own copy of the instance variables defined in the class. Also called a field. See also class variable. instanceof A two-argument Java(TM) programming language keyword that tests whether the run-time type of its first argument is assignment compatible with its second argument. int A Java(TM) programming language keyword used to define a variable of type integer. interface A Java(TM) programming language keyword used to define a collection of method definitions and constant values. It can later be implemented by classes that define this interface with the "implements" keyword. Internet An enormous network consisting of literally millions of hosts from many organizations and countries around the world. It is physically put together from many smaller networks and data travels by a common set of protocols. IP Internet Protocol. The basic protocol of the Internet. It enables the unreliable delivery of individual packets from one host to another. It makes no guarantees about whether or not the packet will be delivered, how long it will take, or if multiple packets will arrive in the order they were sent. Protocols built on top of this add the notions of connection and reliability. See also TCP/IP. interpreter A module that alternately decodes and executes every statement in some body of code. The Java(TM) interpreter decodes and executes bytecode for the Java virtual machine*. See also compiler, runtime system. ISV Independent Software Vendor. J J2EE application Any deployable unit of J2EE functionality. This can be a single module or a group of modules packaged into an .ear file with a J2EE application deployment descriptor. J2EE applications are typically engineered to be distributed across multiple computing tiers. J2EE product An implementation that conforms to the J2EE platform specification. J2EE Product Provider A vendor that supplies a J2EE product. J2EE server The runtime portion of a J2EE product. A J2EE server provides Web and/or EJB containers. JAE Java(TM) Application Environment. The source code release of the Java Development Kit (JDK(TM)) software. JAIN See: Java APIs for Integrated Networks(TM) (JAIN) JAR Files (.jar) Java ARchive. A file format used for aggregating many files into one. JAR file format JAR (Java Archive) is a platform-independent file format that aggregates many files into one. Multiple applets written in the Java(TM) programming language, and their requisite components (.class files, images, sounds and other resource files) can be bundled in a JAR file and subsequently downloaded to a browser in a single HTTP transaction. It also supports file compression and digital signatures. Java(TM) is Sun's trademark for a set of technologies for creating and safely running software programs in both stand-alone and networked environments. Java Application Environment (JAE) The source code release of the Java Development Kit (JDK(TM)) software. Java APIs for Integrated Networks(TM) (JAIN) enables the rapid development of Next Generation telecom products and services on the Java platform. Java(TM) 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE platform) The core Java technology platform. Java(TM) 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE platform) An environment for developing and deploying enterprise applications. The J2EE platform consists of a set of services, application programming interfaces (APIs), and protocols that provide the functionality for developing multi-tiered, Web-based applications. Java(TM) 2 SDK, Enterprise Edition Sun's implementation of the J2EE platform. This implementation provides an operational definition of the J2EE platform. JavaBeans(TM) A portable, platform-independent reusable component model. Java Blend(TM) A product that enables developers to simplify database application development by mapping database records to objects in the Java(TM) programming language (Java objects) and Java objects to databases. Java Card(TM) API An ISO 7816-4 compliant application environment focused on smart cards. JavaCheck(TM) A tool for checking compliance of applications and applets to a specification. JavaChip(TM) Sun's processor, which executes bytecode for the Java(TM) virtual machine* natively. With a JavaChip processor, bytecode bypasses the virtual machine or just-in-time compiler stage to go directly to the processor. Java(TM) Compatibility Kit (JCK) A test suite, a set of tools, and other requirements used to certify a Java platform implementation conformant both to the applicable Java platform specifications and to Java Software reference implementations. Java Database Connectivity (JDBC(TM)) An industry standard for database-independent connectivity between the Java(TM) platform and a wide range of databases. The JDBC(TM) provides a call-level API for SQL-based database access. Java Developer Connection(SM) A service designed for individual developers, providing online training, product discounts, feature articles, bug information, and early access capabilities. Java Development Kit (JDK(TM)) A software development environment for writing applets and applications in the Java programming language. Java(TM) Electronic Commerce Framework A structured architecture for the development of electronic commerce applications in the Java(TM) programming language. Java(TM) Enterprise API This API makes it easy to create large-scale commercial and database applications that can share multimedia data with other applications within an organization or across the Internet. Four APIs have been designed within the Java(TM) Enterprise API family. Java(TM) Foundation Classes (JFC) An extension that adds graphical user interface class libraries to the Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT). Java(TM) IDL A technology that provides CORBA interoperability and connectivity capabilities for the J2EE platform. These capabilities enable J2EE applications to invoke operations on remote network services using the OMG IDL and IIOP. Java(TM) Interface Definition Language (IDL) APIs written in the Java programming language that provide standards-based interoperability and connectivity with CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture). JavaMail(TM) An API for sending and receiving email. Java(TM) Media APIs A set of APIs that support the integration of audio and video clips, 2D fonts, graphics, and images as well as 3D models and telephony. Java(TM) Media Framework The core framework supports clocks for synchronizing between different media (e.g., audio and video output). The standard extension framework allows users to do full audio and video streaming. Java(TM) Message Service (JMS) An API for using enterprise messaging systems such as IBM MQ Series, TIBCO Rendezvous, and so on. Java Naming and Directory Interface(TM) (JNDI) A set of APIs that assists with the interfacing to multiple naming and directory services. JavaOS(TM) An Java(TM) technology-based operating system that is optimized to run on a variety of computing and consumer platforms. The JavaOS(TM) operating environment provides a runtime specifically tuned to run applications written in the Java programming language directly on hardware platforms without requiring a host operating system. JavaPlan(TM) An object-oriented design and diagramming tool written in the Java(TM) programming language. Java(TM) Platform Consists of the Java language for writing programs; a set of APIs, class libraries, and other programs used in developing, compiling, and error-checking programs; and a Java virtual machine which loads and executes the class files. In addition, the Java platform is subject to a set of compatibility requirements to ensure consistent and compatible implementations. Implementations that meet the compatibility requirements may qualify for Sun's targeted compatibility brands. Java 2 is the current generation of the Java Platform. Java(TM) Platform Editions A Java platform "edition" is a definitive and agreed-upon version of the Java platform that provides the functionality needed over a broad market segment. An edition is comprised of two kinds of API sets: "core packages," which are essential to all implementations of a given platform edition, and (ii) "optional packages," which are available for a given platform edition and which may be supported in a compatible implementation. There are 3 distinct editions of the Java Platform: * Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition: The edition of the Java platform that is targeted at enterprises to enable development, deployment, and management of multi-tier server-centric applications. * Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition: The edition of the Java platform that enables development, deployment, and management of cross-platform, general-purpose applications. * Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition: The edition of the Java platform that is targeted at small, standalone or connectable consumer and embedded devices to enable development, deployment, and management of applications that can scale from smart cards through mobile devices and set-top boxes to conventional computing devices. Java(TM) Remote Method Invocation (RMI) A distributed object model for Java(TM) program to Java program, in which the methods of remote objects written in the Java programming language can be invoked from other Java virtual machines*, possibly on different hosts. Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) A subset of the Java Development Kit (JDK(TM)) for end-users and developers who want to redistribute the runtime environment alone. The Java runtime environment consists of the Java virtual machine*, the Java core classes, and supporting files. JavaSafe(TM) A tool for tracking and managing source file changes, written in the Java(TM) programming language. JavaScript(TM) A Web scripting language that is used in both browsers and Web servers. Like all scripting languages, it is used primarily to tie other components together or to accept user input. JavaServer Pages(TM) (JSP) An extensible Web technology that uses template data, custom elements, scripting languages, and server-side Java objects to return dynamic content to a client. Typically the template data is HTML or XML elements, and in many cases the client is a Web browser. JAX JAX collectively refers to a set of Java-based APIs for handling various operations involving data defined through XML. This includes operations such XML parsing, registration in ebXML or UDDI repositories, inter-application messaging, data binding, and remote procedure calls. JSP action A JSP element that can act on implicit objects and other server-side objects or can define new scripting variables. Actions follow the XML syntax for elements with a start tag, a body and an end tag; if the body is empty it can also use the empty tag syntax. The tag must use a prefix. JSP action, standard An action that is defined in the JSP specification and is always available to a JSP file without being imported. JSP action, custom An action described in a portable manner by a tag library descriptor and a collection of Java classes and imported into a JSP page by a taglib directive. JSP application A stand-alone Web application written using the JavaServer Pages technology, including JSP files, servlets, HTML files, images, applets, and JavaBeans components. JSP container A container that provides the same services as a servlet container and an engine that interprets and processes JSP pages into a servlet. JSP container, distributed A JSP container that can run a Web application that is tagged as distribu |
2.Re:java术语规范(SUN的中文版) [Re: cn] | Copy to clipboard |
Posted by: jianhua23 Posted on: 2003-03-21 08:32 有中英文对照吗?!先谢了 |
3.Re:java术语规范(SUN的中文版.E文版) [Re: cn] | Copy to clipboard |
Posted by: cn Posted on: 2003-03-21 13:55 OK。。。。。。。。。 |
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