Topic: 一个类被声明为protected意味着什么?

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1.一个类被声明为protected意味着什么? Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jacksun
Posted on: 2003-03-18 16:25




2.Re:一个类被声明为protected意味着什么? [Re: jacksun] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: snowbug
Posted on: 2003-03-18 23:10

It seems that the class itself is still public while the constructor is protected. A protected constructor means that the class can not be directly instanciated but it can be accessed from the constructor of its sub-classes (as oppose to private constructor, which can not be accessed from the sub-classes).

The abstract keyword means that those methods are not implemented in the class and the sub class must provide a concrete implemenation if unless the sub-class is also declared abstract.

3.Re:一个类被声明为protected意味着什么? [Re: jacksun] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jacksun
Posted on: 2003-03-19 00:07

I got it. Thanks snowbug!

But is it appropriate for a class contains an abstract method? It is supposed every method reside in a class should be implemented. I don't know whether it is correct to say that only interface and abstract class contains abstract method.

Best regards.

4.Re:一个类被声明为protected意味着什么? [Re: jacksun] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Tormz
Posted on: 2003-03-19 13:17

Can a class be declare protect?
only the field or the member method can be specify protect~

5.Re:一个类被声明为protected意味着什么? [Re: Tormz] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: learner
Posted on: 2003-03-20 04:46

Tormz wrote:
Can a class be declare protect?
only the field or the member method can be specify protect~

A class can only have "public" or default modifier, except inner classes - which can also have "private" and "protected".

6.Re:一个类被声明为protected意味着什么? [Re: jacksun] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: learner
Posted on: 2003-03-20 04:53

jacksun wrote:
I got it. Thanks snowbug!

But is it appropriate for a class contains an abstract method? It is supposed every method reside in a class should be implemented. I don't know whether it is correct to say that only interface and abstract class contains abstract method.

Best regards.

A class must be declared abstract when it:
- has abstract method( s )
- is a subclass of another class that has abstract method( s ), which itself does not provide the implementation
- implements an interface that has abstract method( s ), which itself does not provide the implementation

7.Re:一个类被声明为protected意味着什么? [Re: jacksun] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: xiaopan
Posted on: 2003-03-22 15:55


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