Topic: int i =1; i=i++ 为什么结果是 i =1?

  Print this page i =1; i=i++ 为什么结果是 i =1? Copy to clipboard
Posted by: xiaopan
Posted on: 2003-03-18 15:15

这是JVM中的一个问题,在C和C++中结果是符合语意的2,这是由于在C中编译会把这样的语句 i = i++ 优化成 i++, 而JVM却不会,所以结果是1

2.Re:int i =1; i=i++ 为什么结果是 i =1? [Re: xiaopan] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: rainman
Posted on: 2003-03-18 15:23

i=++i 才是i = 2啊。

3.Re:int i =1; i=i++ 为什么结果是 i =1? [Re: rainman] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ditty
Posted on: 2003-03-18 15:26


4.Re:int i =1; i=i++ 为什么结果是 i =1? [Re: xiaopan] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ccic134302
Posted on: 2003-03-18 15:54

i++是 i 赋给 i 后在加1;++i是 i 加1后赋给i是2

5.Re:int i =1; i=i++ 为什么结果是 i =1? [Re: xiaopan] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: snowbug
Posted on: 2003-03-18 23:13

xiaopan wrote:
这是JVM中的一个问题,在C和C++中结果是符合语意的2,这是由于在C中编译会把这样的语句 i = i++ 优化成 i++, 而JVM却不会,所以结果是1

i = i++ is the same as the following set of statements:
1). int temp = i;
2). i++;
3). i = temp;

Therefore, the original i value is assigned back to the variable i after (i++) statement.

6.Re:int i =1; i=i++ 为什么结果是 i =1? [Re: snowbug] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: mitnickcbc
Posted on: 2003-03-18 23:37

snowbug wrote:
i = i++ is the same as the following set of statements:
1). int temp = i;
2). i++;
3). i = temp;

Therefore, the original i value is assigned back to the variable i after (i++) statement.

that's clear.

7.Re:int i =1; i=i++ 为什么结果是 i =1? [Re: mitnickcbc] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: rainman
Posted on: 2003-03-19 01:41

Java Source

public class Test {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int i=1;
    i = i++;

JVM Assembler code:

Compiled from
public class Test extends java.lang.Object {
public Test();
public static void main(java.lang.String[]);

Method Test()
0 aload_0
1 invokespecial #1 <Method java.lang.Object()>
4 return

Method void main(java.lang.String[])
0 iconst_1
1 istore_1
2 iload_1
3 iinc 1 1
6 istore_1
7 return

8.Re:int i =1; i=i++ 为什么结果是 i =1? [Re: xiaopan] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: rainman
Posted on: 2003-03-19 01:45

public class Test {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int i=1;    
    i = i+1;

Compiled from
public class Test extends java.lang.Object {
public Test();
public static void main(java.lang.String[]);

Method Test()
0 aload_0
1 invokespecial #1 <Method java.lang.Object()>
4 return

Method void main(java.lang.String[])
0 iconst_1
1 istore_1
2 iload_1
3 iconst_1
4 iadd
5 istore_1
6 return

9.Re:int i =1; i=i++ 为什么结果是 i =1? [Re: xiaopan] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: rainman
Posted on: 2003-03-19 01:46

public class Test {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int i=1;    
    i = ++i;

Compiled from
public class Test extends java.lang.Object {
public Test();
public static void main(java.lang.String[]);

Method Test()
0 aload_0
1 invokespecial #1 <Method java.lang.Object()>
4 return

Method void main(java.lang.String[])
0 iconst_1
1 istore_1
2 iinc 1 1
5 iload_1
6 istore_1
7 return

10.Re:int i =1; i=i++ 为什么结果是 i =1? [Re: xiaopan] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: rainman
Posted on: 2003-03-19 02:19


iconst_1 ; push 1 onto the stack

istore_1 ;store integer in local variable 1

iload_1 ;push integer in local variable 1 onto the stack

iinc <varnum> <n> ; increments the int held in the local variable <varnum> by <n>.

iadd ; Pops two integers from the operand stack, adds them, and pushes the integer result back onto the stack

11.Re:int i =1; i=i++ 为什么结果是 i =1? [Re: xiaopan] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: rainman
Posted on: 2003-03-19 02:35

i = 1;i = i++
0 iconst_1 ; 把1放到堆栈
1 istore_1 ;从栈顶取出1并存在局部变量1中(也就是变量 i ) 这时候i=1;
2 iload_1 ; 把i的值放到堆栈里去,这时候栈顶为1
3 iinc 1 1 ;把变量1(也就是 i)加1,这时候i = 2咯
6 istore_1 ;呵呵,从栈顶取出1存到i里去,呵呵i又回到1了。
7 return ; 返回。

i = 1; i = i+1
0 iconst_1 ; stack = [1];
1 istore_1 ; stack =[] ; i = 1;
2 iload_1 ; stack = [1]; i = 1;
3 iconst_1 ; stack = [1,1] ; i =1;
4 iadd ; stack =[2];i = 1;
5 istore_1 ; stack = [];i =2;
6 return

i = 1 ; i=++i
0 iconst_1 ; stack=[1];
1 istore_1 ; stack=[] ; i =1;
2 iinc 1 1 ; stack=[];i=2;
5 iload_1 ; stack=[2];i=2;
6 istore_1 ; stack=[];i=2;
7 return


12.Re:int i =1; i=i++ 为什么结果是 i =1? [Re: xiaopan] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: cmslovehxh
Posted on: 2003-03-19 21:10

snowbug wrote:
i = i++ is the same as the following set of statements:
1). int temp = i;
2). i++;
3). i = temp;

Therefore, the original i value is assigned back to the variable i after (i++) statement.


13.Re:int i =1; i=i++ 为什么结果是 i =1? [Re: xiaopan] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: scottding
Posted on: 2003-03-20 09:19


14.Re:int i =1; i=i++ 为什么结果是 i =1? [Re: xiaopan] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: scottding
Posted on: 2003-03-20 09:21


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