Topic: [菜鸟cargo的问题]20060315(Re: length)

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1.[菜鸟cargo的问题]20060315(Re: length) Copy to clipboard
Posted by: cargo
Posted on: 2006-03-15 14:41

我是新手,看着CORE JAVA 学习入门,遇到一个问题,请大家别笑它简单,对我来说还是问题呢....


2.Re:[菜鸟cargo的问题]20060315 [Re: cargo] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Skybus
Posted on: 2006-03-15 15:04

It's not recommended to post you code like this . Post your code using text mode!

For your question.both balance and balance[i] are array variables;They have no difference in syntax,but they differ in semantce. balance.lenght means the lenght of the wole array,but balance[i].lenght means the lenght of the array banlance[i].They can't be exchanged each other!

3.Re:[菜鸟cargo的问题]20060315(Re: length) [Re: cargo] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2006-03-15 17:30

Thanks but please try to spell check before you post.

For your question, both balance and balance[i] are array variables.
They have no difference in syntax, but they differ in semantics.
balance.length means the length of the "whole array" (array of arrays), but balance[i].length means the length of the array balance[i]. They can't be exchanged with each other!

BTW, we seldom say "it's recommendatory to do something", but rather "it's recommended to do something", or "something is recommendatory to somone".

Indeed it's not recommended to post your source code listing as an image. If it is really necessary, you could use a lower JPEG quality factor (say, 70%) to reduce the size of the image.

4.Re:[菜鸟cargo的问题]20060315(Re: length) [Re: cargo] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: leior
Posted on: 2006-03-15 18:15


5.Re:[菜鸟cargo的问题]20060315(Re: length) [Re: cargo] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: surroad
Posted on: 2006-03-15 18:40


6.Re:[菜鸟cargo的问题]20060315(Re: length) [Re: cargo] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Skybus
Posted on: 2006-03-15 18:52

to why:
Thanks a lot for your attention,It's my careless mistake,I'll try to avoid it in the fulture !

7.Re:[菜鸟cargo的问题]20060315(Re: length) [Re: cargo] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: cargo
Posted on: 2006-03-16 01:08

for (int i=1;i<balance.length;i++)
   for (int j=0;j<balance[i].length;j++)
     double oldBalance=balance[i-1][j];
     double interest=oldBalance*interestRate[j];


8.Re:[菜鸟cargo的问题]20060315(Re: length) [Re: cargo] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jackyangf
Posted on: 2006-03-17 14:54

首先 balance 是一个数组 那么 balance.length 是一个整型,表示这个数组的长度
特别一点的是,这个balance数组里的元素 也是数组,那么他们也有各自的长度
可以肯定的一点是: 这个大数组的长度(包含的小数组的个数)肯定不需要和小数组的长度一致

这些是对 balance 数组的说明
另外一点是对数组 这种类型来说, 它的长度 .length 是一个只读的变量;不能修改的。所以你没有办法用任何东西来替换它,除非你不要这个数组了,另外在创建一个长度不同的。

9.Re:[菜鸟cargo的问题]20060315(Re: length) [Re: cargo] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jackyangf
Posted on: 2006-03-17 14:57

balance[0] lenth = 5 O O O O O \
balance[1] lenth = 5 O O O O O - balance length = 3
balance[2] lenth = 5 O O O O O /

10.Re:[菜鸟cargo的问题]20060315(Re: length) [Re: cargo] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: cargo
Posted on: 2006-03-20 16:23



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