Topic: 项目尝试升级到jdk1.5,出现该问题何解?

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1.项目尝试升级到jdk1.5,出现该问题何解? Copy to clipboard
Posted by: microjuz
Posted on: 2006-01-05 12:53


"":cannot access java.lang.Object,bad class file: c:\……\jre1.5.0\lib\……\Object.class,class file has wrong version 49.0,should be 48.0,please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath……

class file has wrong version 49.0,should be 48.0 这其中的49.0和48.0什么意思?这种错误该如何处理呢?


2.Re:项目尝试升级到jdk1.5,出现该问题何解? [Re: microjuz] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2006-01-06 23:35

49.0 is 1.5 but 48.0 is 1.4.x
Apparently you are using a 1.4.x VM, please check the version and fix the JAVA_HOME and CLASSPATH.

Have you set up JBuilderX to use JDK 1.5? Don't ask me how -- I haven't used JBuilder for years.

3.Re:项目尝试升级到jdk1.5,出现该问题何解? [Re: microjuz] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: microjuz
Posted on: 2006-01-13 22:54

thanks alot~~

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