Topic: 跪求各位看看我的JDK配置是否显示正确

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1.跪求各位看看我的JDK配置是否显示正确 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 漫天雪
Posted on: 2005-12-29 19:55

I have replaced the doc file with the following GIF image

2.Re:跪求各位看看我的JDK配置是否显示正确 [Re: 漫天雪] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: flyleaf
Posted on: 2005-12-29 19:59


3.Re:跪求各位看看我的JDK配置是否显示正确 [Re: 漫天雪] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 漫天雪
Posted on: 2005-12-29 20:05

是显示正确吗?我是个新手,才看了2天书,这些东西全是从网上COPY到脑中的,配完后不知道正确去运行程序.进了DOS C:\就不知道该做什么了

4.Re:跪求各位看看我的JDK配置是否显示正确 [Re: 漫天雪] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2005-12-29 21:39

0. Your PATH should not be %JAVA_HOME%\bin only
usually it is set as

1. it is better to cut-n-paste the contents from the Command Prompt window than to use images or images in a doc file.

2. 进了DOS C:\就不知道该做什么
Why don't you read and perhaps TYPE (not copy) the first cup of Java,, and compile and execute!?

Your other topics 出现jrel.5.0-06是不是我下载的软件不对呀
and 我是初学者连JDK也不会配,还下了个JAVA(TM)2能不能用呀
have been removed.

in the latter post, you wrote:

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