Topic: 求助~!请帮我分析下面的CODE块

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1.求助~!请帮我分析下面的CODE块 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 22750124
Posted on: 2005-12-15 23:33

package mediaplayer;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.*;

* @author 权威
* @function AMP媒体播放器
* @version 1.0
* @date 2005-12-9

public class AMP
extends Frame
implements ActionListener,ItemListener,ControllerListener{

  private File oldFile,newFile;
  private BasicDirectoryModel bdm;
  private String[] s;
  private Player player;
  private Component visualcomponent,controlcomponent;
  private boolean firstState=true,loopState=false;
  private String currentDirectory;

  private AMPMenuBar mb=new AMPMenuBar();

  public AMP(String s) {


        new WindowAdapter(){

          public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e){

          public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e){


  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){


    if(e.getActionCommand().equals("关于 AMP 1.0 播放器")){
      JDialog jd=new JDialog(this,"关于 AMP 1.0 播放器",true);
      jd.getContentPane().add(new JLabel(" 欢迎您使用 AMP1.0 播放器"));

      FileDialog openFD=new FileDialog(




      JFileChooser openFile=new JFileChooser(currentDirectory);
      bdm=new BasicDirectoryModel(openFile);
      oldFile=new File(currentDirectory+openFD.getFile());
      newFile=new File(currentDirectory+s[0]+".mpg");

              new MediaLocator(
      }catch(IOException ioe){
      }catch(NoPlayerException npe){



  public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e){

  public void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent e){


    if(e instanceof ControllerClosedEvent){




    if(e instanceof EndOfMediaEvent){
        player.setMediaTime(new Time(0));


    if(e instanceof PrefetchCompleteEvent){

    if(e instanceof RealizeCompleteEvent){






  public void paint(Graphics g){


      int width=this.getSize().width;
      int height=this.getSize().height;

      g.setColor(new Color(142,176,219));

      Font f=new Font("DialogInput",Font.BOLD,26);

      FontMetrics fm=g.getFontMetrics();
      int swidth=fm.stringWidth("☆☆☆ 欢迎 ☆☆☆");

      g.drawString("☆☆☆ 欢迎 ☆☆☆",



  public void update(Graphics g){

   * @param args

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    new AMPJprogressBar("AMP 1.0 媒体播放器");
    new AMP("AMP 1.0 媒体播放器");


2.Re:求助~!请帮我分析下面的CODE块 [Re: 22750124] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ftang
Posted on: 2005-12-16 04:27

man...what you want?

you want us read your code and tell where is the problem?

com'on...this is not fair...

why don't you write down what you want to do in this code and just post the code you think where the problem at?

that way it is easier for the "high-handers" like gongshi, why and floater to point out the problemMoon.

and plus you should "禁止在这个帖子中使用 Jute 标记" and "禁止在这个帖子中使用笑脸标记" so there would be no Smile in the code

3.Re:求助~!请帮我分析下面的CODE块 [Re: 22750124] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 22750124
Posted on: 2005-12-17 19:36


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