Topic: coding 注意事项

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1.coding 注意事项 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ysheng
Posted on: 2005-12-09 11:10
在进行常量与变量比较时,建议把常量放在前面(如 if (null==name){})
eg:!name.equals("") 如果name为空的时候会造成NullPointerException

2.Re:coding 注意事项 [Re: ysheng] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: liuliu1231111
Posted on: 2005-12-09 12:32


3.Re:coding 注意事项 [Re: ysheng] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: liuliu1231111
Posted on: 2005-12-09 12:38

expr可以是一个整数表达式,case 的参数可以是int,short,char或byte

4.Re:coding 注意事项 [Re: ysheng] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ysheng
Posted on: 2005-12-09 16:42

使用 StringBuffer 也需要注意效率

sbf.append("a line"+"\r\n");

sbf.append("a line");

5.Re:coding 注意事项 [Re: ysheng] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2005-12-09 19:02

ysheng wrote:
sbf.append("a line");

sbf.append("a line").append("\r\n");

sbf.append("a line\r\n"); // Anyway I guess that ysheng was thinking about a variable instead of just a literal "a line"
or better be
sbf.append("a line").append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); // don't hardcode the line separator for portability
// of course, one would store System.getProperty("line.separator") somewhere first

6.Re:coding 注意事项 [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ysheng
Posted on: 2005-12-09 23:21

why wrote:
sbf.append("a line").append("\r\n");

Thumbs up

7.Re:coding 注意事项 [Re: ysheng] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ftang
Posted on: 2005-12-09 23:37

ysheng wrote:
使用 StringBuffer 也需要注意效率

sbf.append("a line"+"\r\n");

sbf.append("a line");

you didn't get the point here:
"a" + "b" + "c" is bad expierence because in memory JVM will create

"a", "b", "ab","c", "abc" which here, "ab" is a you should always use StringBuffer.

Get the point...know why...ALL the tips here are Computer Sciense 101, but you guys should know why....WHY!! not only know HOW

8.Re:coding 注意事项 [Re: ysheng] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: zzw109433
Posted on: 2005-12-14 10:55

String str=null;
for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
str=new String();
for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
String str=new String();

9.Re:coding 注意事项 [Re: zzw109433] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: zcjl
Posted on: 2005-12-14 12:03

zzw109433 wrote:
String str=null;
for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
str=new String();
for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
String str=new String();


10.Re:coding 注意事项 [Re: zcjl] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: scarecrow
Posted on: 2005-12-15 13:00

zcjl wrote:

>> 为每次循环生成的对象的可达域都在循环体内,循环结束即可被gc回收
你不认为这样会增加gc 的负担么? 另外每次都要再循环体内创建一个新的String引用 str 也增加了系统的开销。

11.Re:coding 注意事项 [Re: ysheng] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: javadd
Posted on: 2005-12-15 14:00

ysheng wrote:
在进行常量与变量比较时,建议把常量放在前面(如 if (null==name){})
eg:!name.equals("") 如果name为空的时候会造成NullPointerException

Thumbs up

12.Re:coding 注意事项 [Re: scarecrow] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: zcjl
Posted on: 2005-12-15 15:53

scarecrow wrote:
>> 为每次循环生成的对象的可达域都在循环体内,循环结束即可被gc回收
你不认为这样会增加gc 的负担么? 另外每次都要再循环体内创建一个新的String引用 str 也增加了系统的开销。

其次,这样做,是基于《Effective Java》里面的建议:第29条:将局部变量的作用域最小化

13.Re:coding 注意事项 [Re: ftang] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2005-12-15 17:23

ftang wrote:
you didn't get the point here:
"a" + "b" + "c" is bad expierence because in memory JVM will create

"a", "b", "ab","c", "abc" which here, "ab" is a you should always use StringBuffer.

Get the point...know why...ALL the tips here are Computer Sciense 101, but you guys should know why....WHY!! not only know HOW

What you said is not necessary true, actually, not true.

From SLS at Optimization of String Concatenation
An implementation may choose to perform conversion and concatenation in one step to avoid creating and then discarding an intermediate String object. To increase the performance of repeated string concatenation, a Java compiler may use the StringBuffer class or a similar technique to reduce the number of intermediate String objects that are created by evaluation of an expression.
For primitive types, an implementation may also optimize away the creation of a wrapper object by converting directly from a primitive type to a string.

14.Re:coding 注意事项 [Re: zcjl] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2005-12-15 17:43

zcjl wrote:
其次,这样做,是基于《Effective Java》里面的建议:第29条:将局部变量的作用域最小化

You are correct, I wrote two methods, compiled, and disaasemblied the byte code, and proved you are correct.

15.Re:coding 注意事项 [Re: zcjl] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: scarecrow
Posted on: 2005-12-15 18:03

zcjl wrote:
其次,这样做,是基于《Effective Java》里面的建议:第29条:将局部变量的作用域最小化

>>其次,这样做,是基于《Effective Java》里面的建议:第29条:将局部变量的作用域最小化

将局部变量的作用域最小化,没错。不过这应该对于if ,try switch等语句说的吧,对与循环我认为还是不妥当的,特别是当循环的次数比较大的时候。

16.Re:coding 注意事项 [Re: gongshi] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ftang
Posted on: 2005-12-16 03:50

gongshi wrote:
What you said is not necessary true, actually, not true.

true or not I think you should point out from when...JVM is improving every day... this kind of stupid problem Sun won't miss. This theory is not from my idea it is from Joshua Bloch's Effective Java Programming Language. I forgot the which page...but you can easily find it out...

plus...I bring this up here is because I want the beginner know when they learn the tricks they need to know why...

17.Re:coding 注意事项 [Re: ftang] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2005-12-16 03:54

ftang wrote:
true or not I think you should point out from when...JVM is improving every day... this kind of stupid problem Sun won't miss. This theory is not from my idea it is from Joshua Bloch's Effective Java Programming Language. I forgot the which page...but you can easily find it out...

plus...I bring this up here is because I want the beginner know when they learn the tricks they need to know why...

No, I was not accusing you at all. If I go to an interview, I would answer exact the same as you pointed out. However, I would probably add a note after the interviewer was satisfied, to get a "plus sign"... Haha Smile

18.Re:coding 注意事项 [Re: ysheng] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ftang
Posted on: 2005-12-16 03:59

haha....use this question as interview question is too your level I think you would ask some questions much harder than this one...

19.Re:coding 注意事项 [Re: scarecrow] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: scarecrow
Posted on: 2005-12-16 10:04

scarecrow wrote:
>>其次,这样做,是基于《Effective Java》里面的建议:第29条:将局部变量的作用域最小化

将局部变量的作用域最小化,没错。不过这应该对于if ,try switch等语句说的吧,对与循环我认为还是不妥当的,特别是当循环的次数比较大的时候。

自己做了一次测试在1000000000次的循环下分别使用两种代码书写方式耗费时间基本上是没有差别的。实际的结果和自己想象的不太一样,事实证明的zcjl 的观点应该是正确的。不过那位能给出更确切的理论依据。

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