Topic: 初学者求知(对象的reference指什么)

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1.初学者求知(对象的reference指什么) Copy to clipboard
Posted by: tulipsmile
Posted on: 2005-12-06 10:05




2.Re:初学者求知 [Re: tulipsmile] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: shibin20011983
Posted on: 2005-12-06 10:29

看这个网址 它是c++的引用,可能对你有帮助把

3.Re:初学者求知 [Re: tulipsmile] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Infinite
Posted on: 2005-12-06 17:14


4.Re:初学者求知(对象的reference指什么) [Re: tulipsmile] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2005-12-07 02:26

In Java, reference is a typed named memory space which holds addrees of an Object of that type.

It is called reference in Java, but called pointer in C/C++.

The key differences between C/C++ with Java on pointer/reference are

1) You cannot put your hands on an Object without through its reference in Java. In C/C++, you can.
2) In C/C++, you can do arithmetic on pointers, but you cannot do arithmetic on references in Java.
3) In C/C++, you can dereference a pointer, you cannot dereference a reference in Java.
4)In Java, all object are put on the heap only. In C/C++, you can put an Objecty/struct onto the stack.
5) In C/C++, you can cast pointer to an totally defferent type without compiler errors. In Java, you cannot, Java is more strong typed language.
6) In C/C++, pointer can point to primitive types too. In Java, reference cannot reference a primitive type, unlees the wrapper class is used.
7) In C/C++, pointer can point to another pointer, in Java, reference cannot reference another reference.

Java is safer, C/C++ is more powerful.

5.Re:初学者求知(对象的reference指什么) [Re: tulipsmile] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: tulipsmile
Posted on: 2005-12-07 17:03


6.Re:初学者求知(对象的reference指什么) [Re: tulipsmile] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jljf_hh
Posted on: 2005-12-12 13:53


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