Topic: 求众位高人点拨,一直想不出应该用什么方法解决问题

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1.求众位高人点拨,一直想不出应该用什么方法解决问题 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: abcjavac
Posted on: 2005-12-02 20:43


写一个类 包含一个方法 public String turnAround (String string),这个方法可以把一串字母顺序颠倒输出 例如:abc -> cba...


Shuchu {
Shuchu ( ) {


public String turnAround (String string){
..........???// 如何实现这个方法的功能, 在API里有现成的类,还是自己写???


高人帮我! 先谢啦!

2.Re:求众位高人点拨,一直想不出应该用什么方法解决问题 [Re: abcjavac] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: abcjavac
Posted on: 2005-12-02 22:01

public class TurnTest {  
  private String abc;  

  TurnTest (String abc){ = abc;
  public String turnAround() {
    StringBuffer tur = new StringBuffer();
    tur.toString(); // 这个方法不行可用哪个好呢?
    return abc;

3.Re:求众位高人点拨,一直想不出应该用什么方法解决问题 [Re: abcjavac] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2005-12-02 22:36

abcjavac wrote:
  public String turnAround() {
    StringBuffer tur = new StringBuffer();
    tur.toString(); // 这个方法不行可用哪个好呢?
    return abc;

check StringBuffer API and you'll find

4.Re:求众位高人点拨,一直想不出应该用什么方法解决问题 [Re: abcjavac] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: abcjavac
Posted on: 2005-12-02 23:07

谢谢! 看来是应该用reverse方法了.


public class TestMain {
  public static void main (String[] args){
    TurnTest a = new TurnTest("Baum");
    TurnTest b = new TurnTest("Auto");
    TurnTest c = new TurnTest("Fussball");
    a.turnAround(); //这个地方有问题, 难倒是参数位置不对?

5.Re:求众位高人点拨,一直想不出应该用什么方法解决问题 [Re: abcjavac] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: abcjavac
Posted on: 2005-12-02 23:12

另外说说我的问题,我是个初学者,我看书时很多东西都觉得明白了,可到了实际写程序时又会觉得不知所错了,很多结构上的细节,就是吃不准,不知道如何开始尤其是实际的当中,不知是不是别人也有相同的问题,有时候很打击自己的信心的. Sad

6.Re:求众位高人点拨,一直想不出应该用什么方法解决问题 [Re: abcjavac] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2005-12-03 21:03

abcjavac wrote:

public class TestMain {
  public static void main (String[] args){
    TurnTest a = new TurnTest("Baum");
    TurnTest b = new TurnTest("Auto");
    TurnTest c = new TurnTest("Fussball");
    a.turnAround(); //这个地方有问题, 难倒是参数位置不对?


請好好讀讀 [加贴须知]

7.Re:求众位高人点拨,一直想不出应该用什么方法解决问题 [Re: abcjavac] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2005-12-04 00:58

I usually don't response the 沒頭沒腦 问题.

Sorry, if the person asking question doesn't want to spend his/her time to tell you what the question is, why should I try to read his/her mind?


8.Re:求众位高人点拨,一直想不出应该用什么方法解决问题 [Re: abcjavac] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2005-12-04 04:33

package net.cjsdn.why;

public class TurnMain {
  public static void main (String[] args){
    TurnTest turnTest = new TurnTest();

class TurnTest {
  public String turnAround(String in) {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(in);
    return sb.reverse().toString();

9.Re:求众位高人点拨,一直想不出应该用什么方法解决问题 [Re: gongshi] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: abcjavac
Posted on: 2005-12-04 14:13

gongshi wrote:
I usually don't response the 沒頭沒腦 问题.

Sorry, if the person asking question doesn't want to spend his/her time to tell you what the question is, why should I try to read his/her mind?


我是确实被困难所困,才来此寻求帮助的,而且也把所有的东西都贴这里了,既然我注册了这个论坛,我也会,尽我所能去帮助其他需要我帮助的人,这就是论坛的职能啊, 哪成想刚来问了两个问题,就给你们二位管事一通奚落, 责备,顺代的还嘲笑了一通我的中文.WHY兄还算回答了问题,可尊驾呢?气势汹汹在中文论坛上用英语加点中文词阻止别人回答我的问题, 您即使就算是 IT 的教授也不至于这么牛吧???谁不是从开始过来的? 最后再问,二位代表的是此论坛的风格吗?还是这就是此坛的规矩-新人都得过这关(先让你们老人挖苦,讽刺,嘲笑一番)??

10.Re:求众位高人点拨,一直想不出应该用什么方法解决问题 [Re: abcjavac] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2005-12-04 17:03

I usually don't response any 沒頭沒腦 问题.

Sorry, if the person who is asking question doesn't want to spend his/her time to tell us what the question is, why should I try to read his/her mind?

This was my preference. This is still my preference now. This will be my preference in the future. I don't represent anybody or any other people's style on the forum.

This is just my choice...
What is wrong with it??????


11.Re:求众位高人点拨,一直想不出应该用什么方法解决问题 [Re: abcjavac] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2005-12-04 17:14

abcjavac wrote:
我是确实被困难所困,才来此寻求帮助的,而且也把所有的东西都贴这里了,既然我注册了这个论坛,我也会,尽我所能去帮助其他需要我帮助的人,这就是论坛的职能啊, 哪成想刚来问了两个问题,就给你们二位管事一通奚落, 责备,顺代的还嘲笑了一通我的中文.WHY兄还算回答了问题,可尊驾呢?气势汹汹在中文论坛上用英语加点中文词阻止别人回答我的问题, 您即使就算是 IT 的教授也不至于这么牛吧???谁不是从开始过来的? 最后再问,二位代表的是此论坛的风格吗?还是这就是此坛的规矩-新人都得过这关(先让你们老人挖苦,讽刺,嘲笑一番)??



12.Re:求众位高人点拨,一直想不出应该用什么方法解决问题 [Re: abcjavac] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: acl2005
Posted on: 2005-12-06 11:24

abcjavac :

13.Re:求众位高人点拨,一直想不出应该用什么方法解决问题 [Re: acl2005] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2005-12-06 22:47

acl2005 wrote:
abcjavac :


Get your hands dirty by writing code to experiment what you are learning!

That is the way to go!

14.Re:求众位高人点拨,一直想不出应该用什么方法解决问题 [Re: abcjavac] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ftang
Posted on: 2005-12-09 07:07

hehe...I give you guys (abcjavac, acl2005) a good start:

Think about to rewrite the reverse() method of StringBuffer class, no Collection Framework allowed, you can use Array... there are thousands way but we want simplest way....

15.Re:求众位高人点拨,一直想不出应该用什么方法解决问题 [Re: abcjavac] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: javahum
Posted on: 2005-12-11 16:27


class RoundTest{
public static void main(String []args){
String s="abcdefg";

public static void round(String s){
StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer("");
char []c=s.toCharArray();
int m=c.length-1;
for(int i=m;i>=0;i--){


16.Re:求众位高人点拨,一直想不出应该用什么方法解决问题 [Re: abcjavac] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: hamlet
Posted on: 2005-12-11 22:04


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