Topic: Applet中怎样在初始化的时候显示按钮???

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1.Applet中怎样在初始化的时候显示按钮??? Copy to clipboard
Posted by: zc_218
Posted on: 2005-12-02 15:43


2.Re:Applet中怎样在初始化的时候显示按钮??? [Re: zc_218] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: yingjia53
Posted on: 2005-12-04 13:35


3.Re:Applet中怎样在初始化的时候显示按钮??? [Re: zc_218] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Infinite
Posted on: 2005-12-06 13:05


import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class Main extends JFrame
  final static int WIDTH=600,HEIGHT=800;
  final static int MH=400,MW=300;
static double a=1.0;
  static int n;
  static double x,x1;
  JTextField tone=new JTextField("1.0",4);
  JTextField ttwo=new JTextField(4);
  Container content=getContentPane();  
//========= define the function ===============
double f(double i){
  return 5/(i*i+x*x); //return MH-(30*5/(i*i+x*x));
  double f1(double i){
  return 5/(i*i+x1*x1); //return MH-(30*5/(i*i+x1*x1));
double l(){
  double sum=0;
  double temp=1.0;
  double xk,xj;
  for (int k=0;k<=n ;k++ )
    for (int j=0;j<=n;j++)
      if(j==k) j++;
return sum;
  double ltwo(){
  double sum=0;
  double temp=1.0;
  double xk,xj;
  for (int k=0;k<=n ;k++ )
    for (int j=0;j<=n;j++)
      if(j==k) j++;
return sum;
//========= construct function ===============
  public Main()
    JPanel pone=new JPanel();
   JButton a=new JButton("a");
   JButton n=new JButton("n");
JButton submit=new JButton("submit");
    //setBackground(new Color(0x71,0xA6,0xF4));
   content.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
//========== pone init =============================
    pone.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,4));
    submit.addActionListener(new DrawListener());
    submit.setBackground(new Color(0x93,0xC3,0xBB));
    a.setBackground(new Color(0x93,0xC3,0xBB));
    n.setBackground(new Color(0x93,0xC3,0xBB));
   pone.add(a); pone.add(tone); pone.add(n); pone.add(ttwo); pone.add(submit);

public void paint(Graphics g)
  int number=0;
//=========== draw the "reference frame" ===============
  g.drawString("0",MW+5,MH+14); // 0
  g.drawLine(20,MH,WIDTH-20,MH); //x below 25=1CM

  g.drawLine(MW,60,MW,HEIGHT-40); //y below 30=1CM

//========= asume a=1 draw the line ============
  for (int count=0;count<=25*10;)
{ g.setColor(;
    int temp;
//========= draw the line coped with ==============
if(ttwo.getText().length()!=0) {
//========= description ==========================
Font font=new Font("隶书",Font.BOLD,24);
    g.drawString("Red : 原函数",50,100);
    g.drawString("Blue : 拟合函数",50,120);
//========= draw the line coped with ==============
/* g.setColor(new Color(0x00,0x99,0x00));
  if(ttwo.getText().length()!=0) {
   for (int count=0;count<=25*10 ; )
    int temp;
else { } */
//======= draw lintening ==================
class DrawListener implements ActionListener
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    double one;
    int two;
    if(tone.getText().length()==0&&ttwo.getText().length()==0) {JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"please input aviliable number");}
   if(tone.getText().length()!=0) {one=Double.parseDouble(tone.getText());a=one;}
    if(ttwo.getText().length()!=0) {two=Integer.parseInt(ttwo.getText()); n=two;}
    //content.setBackground(new Color(0x71,0xA6,0xF4));    

//======= draw ======================
  public static void main(String[] args)
    Main get=new Main();
    get.setTitle("demo version1.0 (made by Infinite)");

4.Re:Applet中怎样在初始化的时候显示按钮??? [Re: zc_218] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Infinite
Posted on: 2005-12-06 13:18

5.Re:Applet中怎样在初始化的时候显示按钮??? [Re: zc_218] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: shibin20011983
Posted on: 2005-12-06 20:43


6.Re:Applet中怎样在初始化的时候显示按钮??? [Re: zc_218] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 缥缈水云间
Posted on: 2006-01-09 20:42


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