Topic: 关于scwcd考试问题请教~!

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1.关于scwcd考试问题请教~! Copy to clipboard
Posted by: gavin_yue
Posted on: 2005-10-24 08:56

小弟现在准备 SCWCD的考试 在网上搜索一下 有两个版本

310-080 和 310-081 请问各位这两个考试有什么区别呢?


2.Re:关于scwcd考试问题请教~! [Re: gavin_yue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: weistar
Posted on: 2005-10-24 11:39

The two versions of SCWCD exam basically differ in the following aspects:
The content of SCWCD 1.4 exam covers new technologies such as Expression Language, JSTL, the new tag methodologies (Tag files and SimpleTag). Besides this it also revamps the existing objectives according to the JSP 2.0 and Servlets 2.4 specifications. Some objectives such as SingleThreadedModel have been removed from the exam.
The SCWCD 1.4 Exam quality has also enhanced. You will now be tested on your understanding rather than the ability to memorize the method signatures. The exam also has new drag-n-drop types of questions.

3.Re:关于scwcd考试问题请教~! [Re: gavin_yue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: gavin_yue
Posted on: 2005-10-24 19:05

谢谢楼上的 哪里有大纲可以下载啊?

4.Re:关于scwcd考试问题请教~! [Re: gavin_yue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: weistar
Posted on: 2005-10-27 17:39

5.Re:关于scwcd考试问题请教~! [Re: gavin_yue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2005-10-27 22:59

You almost can find all you need from here

discuss all your questions here

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