Topic: 这个求阶乘 用递归实现的 程序为什么得不到结果?

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1.这个求阶乘 用递归实现的 程序为什么得不到结果? Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jjzz
Posted on: 2005-10-16 12:39


Original subject :
大家好 请大家帮我看看这个程序为什么得不到结果?

class Digui
      public static void main(String []args)
       int c = 0;
       int y;
                c =;
            catch(IOException e){}
             hanshu tt=new hanshu();
            System.out.println(new hanshu().jisuan(c));
            //System.out.println("the score is:"+y);

class Hanshu
{ int t = 1;
     int jisuan(int i)
          { t = i*jisuan(i-1);
            // System.out.println(t);
         }return t;

这个程序求阶乘 用递归实现的 ~ 它得出的结果总是0 还是把注释去掉后 它得到的结果根本不和想象的相同 大家帮我看看好吗?不好意思 啥都不懂 麻烦大家了

2.Re:大家好 请大家帮我看看这个程序为什么得不到结果? [Re: jjzz] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: hamlet
Posted on: 2005-10-16 15:46


3.Re:这个求阶乘 用递归实现的 程序为什么得不到结果? [Re: jjzz] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2005-10-16 19:33

Hanshu tt=new Hanshu();
System.out.println(new Hanshu().jisuan(c));

c =;
gets the value of the character, e.g. '0' is 58, 'A' is 65, not its literal value.
and you can only get a number from 0 to 9 with your program

3. 得出的结果总是0
12! or 13! will already overflow int (32 bit integer) and I guess at most 55!, which has 12 trailing zeros (2*5, 10, 12*15; 20, 22*25, 30, 32*35, 40, 42*45, 50, 52*55, 20*50), will make the int 0.

4.Re:这个求阶乘 用递归实现的 程序为什么得不到结果? [Re: jjzz] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: rhvic
Posted on: 2005-10-17 11:39

perfect explanations!

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