Topic: [求助]关于返回值类型

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1.[求助]关于返回值类型 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 火山一角
Posted on: 2005-10-12 16:59

invalid method declaration;return type required.我该怎么修改呢?另外我想问一下,JAVA中到底有哪几种数据类型.如果是复合类型的话,那么该返回什么类型的数据.程序代码如下:
class Point
  int x,y;
  String name="a point";
  Point(int x,int y,String name)
  int getX()
    return x;
  int getY()
    return y;
  void move(int newX,int newY)
   newPoint(String name);
   Point newP=new Point(-x,-y,name);
   return newP;
  boolean equal(int x,int y)
    if(this.x==x&&this.y==y) return true;
    else return false;
  void print()
    System.out.println(name+": x="+x+" y="+y);
public class UsingObject
  public static void main(String[] args)
    Point p=new Point();
   System.out.println("****after moving****");
   System.out.println("get x and y directly");
   System.out.println("x="+p.x+" y="+p.y);
   System.out.println("or get x and y by calling method");
   System.out.println("x="+p.getX()+" y="+p.getY());
   if(p.equal(50,50)) System.out.println("I like this point!");
   else System.out.println("I hate it!");
   p.newPoint("a new point").print();
   Point q=new Point(10,15,"another new point");

2.Re:[求助]关于返回值类型 [Re: 火山一角] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: bluecrystal
Posted on: 2005-10-12 17:18


3.Re:[求助]关于返回值类型 [Re: 火山一角] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wnhoo
Posted on: 2005-10-17 12:18

  Point newPoint(String name){
    Point newP = new Point(-x, -y, name);
    return newP;

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