Topic: 紧急求助(关于报表以及BEAN,APPLET,APPLICATION?)!!!

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1.紧急求助(关于报表以及BEAN,APPLET,APPLICATION?)!!! Copy to clipboard
Posted by: struggle
Posted on: 2003-03-10 09:25


2.Re:紧急求助(关于报表以及BEAN,APPLET,APPLICATION?)!!! [Re: struggle] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: snowbug
Posted on: 2003-03-11 00:08

To use applet, you must make the classes accessible to the client, that is, the class files (and all the used jar files) must be downloadable by the client. From what you said, the report API is missing.

What is the output format of the report beans? If it is PDF or html, you can simply call the API to generate the PDF/html stream, then write it to the client (make sure you set the MIME type correctly).

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