Topic: [REQ]如何用JAVA将Excel转化成HTML

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1.[REQ]如何用JAVA将Excel转化成HTML Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ditty
Posted on: 2005-09-07 12:23

那位兄弟用过,帮帮忙。Big Smile

2.Re:[REQ]如何用JAVA将Excel转化成HTML [Re: ditty] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ken0719
Posted on: 2005-09-07 14:58

There is an open source project POI, It's proved Java API to access microsoft formate files (including excel).

3.Re:[REQ]如何用JAVA将Excel转化成HTML [Re: ken0719] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ditty
Posted on: 2005-09-07 15:20

你可能没有明白我的问题,用POI操作Excel是没问题的,现在我希望能将一个Excel输出(或转换)成HTML格式的文件,有点类似Microsoft Excel的另存功能。

4.Re:[REQ]如何用JAVA将Excel转化成HTML [Re: ditty] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ken0719
Posted on: 2005-09-08 12:00

Maybe there are two ways to converse a excel to a html file:
1: Use JNI, make a .dll file with VB to open and sava a excel file to html format
This is the vbscript code:

Sub Macro1()
Workbooks.Open Filename:="D:\wcap\doc\Test Report R1.0.xls"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="D:\wcap\doc\Test Report R1.0.htm", _
FileFormat:=xlHtml, ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, CreateBackup:=False
End Sub

2. Use POI, write a tool by yourself, read the content and other informations from an excel file then output to a html file and format it.
The second implemention is more complex, and in my idea the first solution is better but .dll only work in Windows.
Welcome to other solutions.

5.Re:[REQ]如何用JAVA将Excel转化成HTML [Re: ken0719] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ditty
Posted on: 2005-09-09 14:08

ken0719 wrote:
Maybe there are two ways to converse a excel to a html file:
1: Use JNI, make a .dll file with VB to open and sava a excel file to html format
This is the vbscript code:

Sub Macro1()
Workbooks.Open Filename:="D:\wcap\doc\Test Report R1.0.xls"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="D:\wcap\doc\Test Report R1.0.htm", _
FileFormat:=xlHtml, ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, CreateBackup:=False
End Sub

2. Use POI, write a tool by yourself, read the content and other informations from an excel file then output to a html file and format it.
The second implemention is more complex, and in my idea the first solution is better but .dll only work in Windows.
Welcome to other solutions.

thanks a lot.Big Smile

6.Re:[REQ]如何用JAVA将Excel转化成HTML [Re: ditty] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: zcjl
Posted on: 2005-09-09 16:35


7.Re:[REQ]如何用JAVA将Excel转化成HTML [Re: zcjl] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ditty
Posted on: 2005-09-09 18:41

zcjl wrote:


not found availabe interface.Sad

8.Re:[REQ]如何用JAVA将Excel转化成HTML [Re: ditty] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: zcjl
Posted on: 2005-09-09 21:38

ditty wrote:
not found availabe interface.:(

sorry, I didn't notice that the URL is not available now
you can get it at

9.Re:[REQ]如何用JAVA将Excel转化成HTML [Re: ditty] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: hurui33
Posted on: 2005-09-13 15:00

个人认为需要通过能够访问MS Excel的package(如POI和JExcelApi)读取数据,自己写转换为html的程序,

10.Re:[REQ]如何用JAVA将Excel转化成HTML [Re: hurui33] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ditty
Posted on: 2005-09-14 10:22

hurui33 wrote:
个人认为需要通过能够访问MS Excel的package(如POI和JExcelApi)读取数据,自己写转换为html的程序,


11.Re:[REQ]如何用JAVA将Excel转化成HTML [Re: ditty] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: javadd
Posted on: 2005-09-14 15:18


我用过它写过完整的 导入&导出 Excel的程序.


我希望以后做导出 Excel用jni调用COM那个api来做,可能会更好些.

12.Re:[REQ]如何用JAVA将Excel转化成HTML [Re: javadd] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ditty
Posted on: 2005-09-14 18:28


13.Re:[REQ]如何用JAVA将Excel转化成HTML [Re: ditty] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: chaor
Posted on: 2005-09-17 14:44


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