Topic: 概念问题,类的继承和访问

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1.概念问题,类的继承和访问 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: truthawp
Posted on: 2005-08-09 20:24

书上说这两题都是正确的,但是这样不是矛盾了么? 难道继承!=访问?那到底是什么概念呢?

2.Re:概念问题,类的继承和访问 [Re: truthawp] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2005-08-09 21:13

1.子类能继承父类的所有方法和状态 WRONG!!!!

2.类的私有方法不能被其子类直接访问(正确) INACCURATE!!!

What kind of book this is???
Throw it into GC!


Read The Java Tutorial

3.Re:概念问题,类的继承和访问 [Re: truthawp] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: truthawp
Posted on: 2005-08-09 23:26

A subclass inherits all the member variables and methods from its superclass. However, the subclass might not have access to an inherited member variable or method. For example, a subclass cannot access a private member inherited from its superclass.

4.Re:概念问题,类的继承和访问 [Re: truthawp] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2005-08-10 10:02

truthawp wrote:
A subclass inherits all the member variables and methods from its superclass. However, the subclass might not have access to an inherited member variable or method. For example, a subclass cannot access a private member inherited from its superclass.

Sorry, I did not read this paragraph carefully, and now I see. According to this paragraph, the original questions and answers are correct, if we take the "直接"away.

2.类的私有方法不能!!take 直接 away!!被其子类访问(正确)

My apologies! Embaressed

To truthawp
1) This is a definition problems, inherited but no access is equivalent to not inherited to me. However, if Sun said so, then we say the same... Smile

2) This has nothing to do with 多重继承, don't make things more complicated than it ought to be!


5.Re:概念问题,类的继承和访问 [Re: truthawp] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: truthawp
Posted on: 2005-08-10 12:01

呵呵 一开始我也是这么想的,不能访问,那还继承了干吗? Confused
因为能从Sun那里找的到原句,那两道定义就对吗?Stupid 我觉得可能还是有点问题,原文如下:
A subclass inherits all the member variables and methods from its superclass. However, the subclass might not have access to an inherited member variable or method. For example, a subclass cannot access a private member inherited from its superclass. One might say, then, that the item was not inherited at all. But the item is inherited. This becomes important when using an inner class, which does have access to its enclosing class's private members. Note that constructors are not members and so are not inherited by subclasses.
还请各位前辈帮忙解释下~Smile( 因为是初学,所以原版英语单词和现在书上的名词不一定对的准确)
(怎么感觉象在做英语阅读?Embaressed) Big Smile

6.Re:概念问题,类的继承和访问 [Re: truthawp] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: truthawp
Posted on: 2005-08-10 20:18


7.Re:概念问题,类的继承和访问 [Re: truthawp] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2005-08-10 22:26

If you start not to ask "中文里所用的什么术语", then your Java and English will become better and better.

Just a suggestion, it is up to you! Smile

8.Re:概念问题,类的继承和访问 [Re: truthawp] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: truthawp
Posted on: 2005-08-11 00:04

thx,I think I'll try my best in both Java and English~Smile

9.Re:概念问题,类的继承和访问 [Re: truthawp] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: yoreland
Posted on: 2005-08-14 10:00

truthawp wrote:


10.Re:概念问题,类的继承和访问 [Re: truthawp] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: mastersky
Posted on: 2005-09-28 23:54


11.Re:概念问题,类的继承和访问 [Re: truthawp] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 华清
Posted on: 2005-10-01 09:33

Thinking in English

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