Topic: 请问类定义中能不能 new自己

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1.请问类定义中能不能 new自己 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wxjohn
Posted on: 2005-08-05 16:58

public class A {
public A {


public methord1(){
A a=new A();


2.Re:请问类定义中能不能 new自己 [Re: wxjohn] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: fuliang2008
Posted on: 2005-08-06 22:15

class Singleton
private static Singleton instance = null;
private Singleton(){}
public Singleton getInstance()
if(instance == null)
instance = new Singleton();
return instance;

3.Re:请问类定义中能不能 new自己 [Re: fuliang2008] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: heaven
Posted on: 2005-08-07 00:02

fuliang2008 wrote:


4.Re:请问类定义中能不能 new自己 [Re: wxjohn] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2005-08-08 03:22

wxjohn wrote:
请问类定义中能不能 new自己

Yes, why not???

However, I've a question for you. Why don't you just compile and run your own code by yourself? You probably would get your own answer in 3 minutes.

Another advantage of do-it-yourself is that you don't need to wait for somebody's misleading answers such as this one:

fuliang2008 wrote:

There are some more misleading stuff here:

5.Re:请问类定义中能不能 new自己 [Re: wxjohn] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: JavaandC
Posted on: 2005-08-25 13:35

public class A
public A (){}

public void methord1()
A a=new A();


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