Topic: 有关java与c++引用的深度探讨(让你走出经典书籍中的误区):

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1.有关java与c++引用的深度探讨(让你走出经典书籍中的误区): Copy to clipboard
Posted by: fuliang2008
Posted on: 2005-08-01 13:05

(Author by jlu fuliang)
传递行为究竟是by value还是by reference。
class Person
private String name;
public Person(String name)
public String getName()
return name;
现产生两个对象 :
Person p1=new Person("Zhangsan");
Person p2=new Person("Lisi");
引用Person p=p1,p1=p2;
测试结果p.getName(): Zhangsan;
P2.getName :Lisi;
既然java中的referece的行为更象指针。那么下面来看看其作为参数传的的时候行为究竟如何(by value or by referece):
在一些经典的java书上(《Core java》和《Thinking in java》堪称是最经典的两部了吧),书上都明确指出All by Value.
原文如下(<<core java>>中的例子):
public static void swap(Employee x, Employee y) // doesn't work
Employee temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;
If the Java programming language used call by reference for objects, this method would work:
Employee a = new Employee("Alice", . . .);
Employee b = new Employee("Bob", . . .);
swap(a, b);
// does a now refer to Bob, b to Alice?
However, the method does not actually change the object references that are stored in the variables a and b. The x and y parameters of the swap method are initialized with copies of these references. The method then proceeds to swap these copies.
// x refers to Alice, y to Bob
Employee temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;
// now x refers to Bob, y to Alice
假设传递方式为by referece,看一下swap函数的行为:
x---> 名字为Alice的对象 <---a
y---> 名字为Bob的对象<---b
"If the Java programming language used call by reference for objects, this method would work:"
public static void swap(Employee *x, Employee *y) // doesn't work
Employee *temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;
Employee *a = new Employee("Alice", . . .);
Employee *b = new Employee("Bob", . . .);
swap(a, b);
public static void swap(Employee x, Employee y) // doesn't work
System.out.println("x "+x+",y"+y);会打印出x,y引用的对象,含有其地址
Employee temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;
Employee a = new Employee("Alice", . . .);
Employee b = new Employee("Bob", . . .);
System.out.println("a "+a+",b "+b);
可见在传递参数的时候并没有产生副本,(这与by referece的传递行为一样)
基本类型采用by value,object采用by referece;

2.Re:有关java与c++引用的深度探讨(让你走出经典书籍中的误区): [Re: fuliang2008] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2005-08-02 10:01

Please don't copy your wrong comments (误人子弟文章) everywhere to confuse beginners.

Probably, you would not think Sun Microsystem and Dr. James Gosling are also 严重不足, should learn Java from you.

fuliang wrote:
既然java中的referece的行为更象指针。那么下面来看看其作为参数传的的时候行为究竟如何(by value or by referece):
在一些经典的java书上(《Core java》和《Thinking in java》堪称是最经典的两部了吧),书上都明确指出All by Value.

Q. Can you provide some authoritative quotation to support the saying "In Java, everything is pass-by-value"?
From The Java Programming Language, by James Gosling et al. 3rd edition (pg. 56):

Some people will say incorrectly that objects are passed "by reference." In programming language design, the term pass by reference properly means that when an argument is passed to a function, the invoked function gets a reference to the original value, not a copy of its value. If the function modifies its parameter, the value in the calling code will be changed because the argument and parameter use the same slot in memory. The Java programming language does not pass objects by reference; it passes object references by value. Because two copies of the same reference refer to the same actual object, changes made through one reference variable are visible through the other. There is exactly one parameter passing mode -- pass by value -- and that helps keep things simple.

From Sun's The Java Tutorial

Pass by Value
In Java methods, arguments are passed by value.

When invoked, the method receives the value of the variable passed in. When the argument is of primitive type, pass-by-value means that the method cannot change its value. When the argument is of reference type, pass-by-value means that the method cannot change the object reference, but can invoke the object's methods and modify the accessible variables within the object.

This is often the source of confusion--a rogrammer writes a method that attempts to modify the value of one its arguments and the method doesn't work as expected. Let's look at such method and then investigate how to change it so that it does what the programmer originally intended.
Java Quiz question from Sun
In Java programming, all method parameters are passed by value.
Answer: true .

In Java, everything is pass-by-value, unless you think Dr. James Gosling forgot how he invented Java, AND Sun does not know how Java works.If we all agree those are not the cases. Then the question should change to that how to understand the fact "In Java, everything is pass-by-value".If you go up-and-down a little, you will find a lot of help here.

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All links in the above are valid.

3.Re:有关java与c++引用的深度探讨(让你走出经典书籍中的误区): [Re: fuliang2008] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2005-08-02 10:11

To everyone else, you can read some more from this link:

4.Re:有关java与c++引用的深度探讨(让你走出经典书籍中的误区): [Re: fuliang2008] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: fuliang2008
Posted on: 2005-08-03 20:51

先对大家说声对不起,我所说by value的意思可能和各位名家以及sun的意思
到这个问题,我在看《Thinking in java》第二版 我可能误会作者,作者在标题上写的是Pass by value,但后面也没有说自己的观点。)(讽刺的是今天我要引用《Thinking in java》第一版 来说明我对by value的理解和各位名家以及sun的理解)
1) Java按值传递任何东西。若将基本数据类型传递进入一个方法,会明确得到基本数据类型的一个副本。但若将一个句柄传递进入方法,得到的是句柄的副本。所以人们认为“一切”都按值传递。当然,这种说法也有一个前提:句柄肯定也会被传递。但Java的设计方案似乎有些超前,允许我们忽略(大多数时候)自己处理的是一个句柄。也就是说,它允许我们将句柄假想成“对象”,(所以说object也是传值)因为在发出方法调用时,系统会自动照管两者间的差异。
(2) Java主要按值传递(无自变量),但对象却是按引用传递的。得到这个结论的前提是句柄只是对象的一个“别名”,所以不考虑传递句柄的问题,而是直接指出“我准备传递对象”。由于将其传递进入一个方法时没有获得对象的一个本地副本,所以对象显然不是按值传递的。Sun公司似乎在某种程度上支持这一见解,因为它“保留但未实现”的关键字之一便是byvalue(按值)。但没人知道那个关键字什么时候可以发挥作用。
我所说的by value正式第(2)中理解 ,而sun则是第一种理解。

5.Re:有关java与c++引用的深度探讨(让你走出经典书籍中的误区): [Re: fuliang2008] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2005-08-03 22:43

1) Your understaning of Pass by value is totally wrong in any sense! Please do not confuse beginners by saying "可能受c++影响太重". You don't really know c/c++.

2) There is no new definition of "pass by value" by Sun. Actually, Dr. Gosling and other Java creators are all C/C++ programmers.

3) Just for your information, another famous book "Thinking in C++" is also written by the same author: Bruce Eckel. I guess he knows a little C++ too, at least, I dare to assume that he knows no less than you. Probably, you would not think Bruce Eckel is also 严重不足, should learn C++ and Java from you. Big Smile LOL.

4) You really need re-learn the course "Programming languages". I assume you learned it before. If you did not, it is time to take the course, or buy a book now.

Q. What is the differences between pass-by-value and pass-by-reference?

A: These two will never mix!!!
Pass-by-value : You make a copy of the parameter (argument), and use it inside of the methods. The value of the parameter (argument) will not be affected outside of the method.

Pass-by-references : you do NOT make a copy of the parameter, you use the parameter itself!

Q. Why we say, in c or Java, everything is pass-by-value?
In c and Java, everything is pass-by-value.

In c++ and Pascal, you can pass-by-value or pass-by-reference.

When we code in C, you pass pointers to a method, the value of pointer (address) will never change, but the value the pointer points to will change.

In language theory, C is a only-pass-by-value language. Actually, this is exactly Java does. Java Object reference is equivalent to C pointer, the difference is you cannot dereference it, which makes java safer, but less flexible.

Since in C, you can dereference a pointer, you actually can prove the pointer is passed by value. A simple test can prove that, you dereference the pointer inside/outside the method call, you will get two different values, which proves inside the method, what we are using actually a copy of the pointer, not the pointer itself. That is exactly what pass-by-value means. You make a copy of the parameter (argument), and use it inside of the methods. The value of the parameter (argument) will not be affected outside of the method.

In Java, value of an object reference is the reference. That is the source of confusion. However, if you read it twice, it only makes sense. Doesn't it?

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6.Re:有关java与c++引用的深度探讨(让你走出经典书籍中的误区): [Re: fuliang2008] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ftang
Posted on: 2005-08-17 02:43

haha~~~~fuliang2008 u ar funny guy....u talk like lawyer...

7.Re:有关java与c++引用的深度探讨(让你走出经典书籍中的误区): [Re: fuliang2008] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wonderfuture
Posted on: 2005-09-01 15:09

关于这种争论没有任何意义:引用本身是一个4字节变量,其“值”的内容是被引用对象在内存中的地址。所谓"总是按值传递" 是说,引用变量进入方法内部时,方法也要在栈中创建一个保存其4字节“值”的局部变量,但由于这个变量值与传入前的值一样——都指向同一个内存地址,引用同一个对象。"总是按值传递" 是一种内部机制,就是说,java绝对不会将一个“变量”(不是“对象”)的地址传给你,你只能获得一个变量的值。

8.Re:有关java与c++引用的深度探讨(让你走出经典书籍中的误区): [Re: fuliang2008] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ken0719
Posted on: 2005-09-05 23:45


9.Re:有关java与c++引用的深度探讨(让你走出经典书籍中的误区): [Re: fuliang2008] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ken0719
Posted on: 2005-09-05 23:46


public class TestParameter {
public TestParameter() {

public static void main(String[] args) {
TestParameter tp=new TestParameter();
StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer("java");
System.out.println("The inital value of StringBuffer is:"+sb);
System.out.println("The value of StringBuffer after invoking method testNew is:"
System.out.println("The value of StringBuffer after invoking method testAppend is:"

public String testAppend(StringBuffer sb){
System.out.println("The value of StringBuffer in method testAppend is:"+sb);
return sb.toString();


public String testNew(StringBuffer sb){
sb=new StringBuffer();
System.out.println("The value of StringBuffer in method testNew is:"+sb);
return sb.toString();


10.Re:有关java与c++引用的深度探讨(让你走出经典书籍中的误区): [Re: fuliang2008] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ken0719
Posted on: 2005-09-05 23:47

The inital value of StringBuffer is:java

The value of StringBuffer in method testNew is:,test

The value of StringBuffer after invoking method testNew is:java

The value of StringBuffer in method testAppend is:java,test

The value of StringBuffer after invoking method testAppend is:java,test

11.Re:有关java与c++引用的深度探讨(让你走出经典书籍中的误区): [Re: fuliang2008] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ken0719
Posted on: 2005-09-05 23:56


12.Re:有关java与c++引用的深度探讨(让你走出经典书籍中的误区): [Re: ken0719] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2005-09-07 13:21

ken0719 wrote:

You are not reading the document and the correct answer above, just think in the wrong direction.

Nobody can help you if you decide not to read. Sigh....

13.Re:有关java与c++引用的深度探讨(让你走出经典书籍中的误区): [Re: fuliang2008] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ken0719
Posted on: 2005-09-07 14:51

Sorry, I make a mistake aobut what passed by value is.

"When we code in C, you pass pointers to a method, the value of pointer (address) will never change, but the value the pointer points to will change. "

14.Re:有关java与c++引用的深度探讨(让你走出经典书籍中的误区): [Re: fuliang2008] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2005-09-08 05:48

Haha, you got it!!!! Big Smile

15.Re:有关java与c++引用的深度探讨(让你走出经典书籍中的误区): [Re: fuliang2008] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: morphine
Posted on: 2005-09-09 11:34


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