Topic: 怎样可得到当前目录?

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1.怎样可得到当前目录? Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Butterfly_125
Posted on: 2005-07-20 20:46

问个很菜的问题:我想在当前目录下的q1文件夹下,建一个文件。File f = new File("\\q1\Hello.txt");这样写是错的。应该怎样写?

2.Re:怎样可得到当前目录? [Re: Butterfly_125] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2005-07-20 20:55

Why don't you try to look for it first?

3.Re:怎样可得到当前目录? [Re: Butterfly_125] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Butterfly_125
Posted on: 2005-07-20 21:03

File f = new File("\\q1\Hello.txt");

4.Re:怎样可得到当前目录? [Re: Butterfly_125] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2005-07-21 11:11

String sCurrDir = java.lang.System.getProperty("user.dir"); // the dir you are running the program
File f = new File(sCurrDir + "\\Hello.txt"); //double backslash to avoid escape

5.Re:怎样可得到当前目录? [Re: Butterfly_125] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Butterfly_125
Posted on: 2005-07-21 13:10

Thank you very much ,my friend gongshi again!

6.Re:怎样可得到当前目录? [Re: Butterfly_125] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: xxqn
Posted on: 2005-07-23 20:14


7.Re:怎样可得到当前目录? [Re: xxqn] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2005-07-23 22:28

xxqn wrote:

Very good to point this out. However, it should be "file.separator".

8.Re:怎样可得到当前目录? [Re: Butterfly_125] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Butterfly_125
Posted on: 2005-07-24 02:15


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