Topic: 请教线程间通信的问题

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1.请教线程间通信的问题 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Butterfly_125
Posted on: 2005-07-18 15:57

    class Q
      private String name = "袁平";
      private String sex = "男";
      boolean bFull = false;
      public synchronized void put(String name,String sex)
          wait(); = name;
        catch(Exception e)
        } = sex;
        bFull = true;
        notify();  //这个notify()应该唤醒get()中的wait()吧?
      public synchronized void get()
        System.out.println(name + "----->" + sex);
        bFull = false;
        notify();  //这个notify()应该唤醒put()中的wait()吧?

    class Producer implements Runnable  //生产者
      Q q = null;
      public Producer(Q q)
        this.q = q;
      public void run()
        int i = 0;

    class Consumer implements Runnable  //消费者
      Q q = null;
      public Consumer(Q q)
        this.q = q;
      public void run()

    public class ThreadCommunation
      public static void main(String [] args)
        Q q = new Q();
        new Thread(new Producer(q)).start();
        new Thread(new Consumer(q)).start();
    其中,notify()是不是要标明要唤醒哪个方法中的wait()?wait() and notify()我还不太会用,能不

2.Re:请教线程间通信的问题 [Re: Butterfly_125] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: dqgh0
Posted on: 2005-08-10 11:27

notify 是唤醒在等待序列中的第一个等待的线种,在这个程序里也就就是唤醒另一个线程,因为这里面就两个线程
没有notify(),wait( )就一直等下去

3.Re:请教线程间通信的问题 [Re: dqgh0] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2005-08-10 12:55

dqgh0 wrote:
notify 是唤醒在等待序列中的第一个等待的线种

第一个等待的线程??? JLS did not say so!!!

4.Re:请教线程间通信的问题 [Re: Butterfly_125] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: simbas
Posted on: 2005-08-13 21:33

notify 随机唤醒在等待序列中的一个线程

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