Topic: JAVA的异常[求助]

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1.JAVA的异常[求助] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: gao627
Posted on: 2005-05-11 22:43

class text
public static void main(String []args)
static void text() throws ArithmeticException //声明抛出算术异常
{ }

class text
public static void main(String []args)
static void text()
throw new ArithmeticException();//抛出一个ArithmeticException实例

2.Re:JAVA的异常[求助] [Re: gao627] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: gao627
Posted on: 2005-05-12 22:12

原因我已经了解了,但是还不是清楚throws对例如ArithmeticException等异常 的意义,请高人指教.

3.Re:JAVA的异常[求助] [Re: gao627] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: coucoo
Posted on: 2005-05-14 10:51


4.Re:JAVA的异常[求助] [Re: gao627] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ftang
Posted on: 2005-05-14 13:09

ok, your question could be seperated 2 part:

1. why u didn't declare try...catch in main, but compiler didn't force you to do that?
...because the main method in JVM have special meaning and there is special handling for that...let me check the official articles and give you more detail later...

2. when use try...catch and when use throws?
we can consider there are 2 type of exceptions:
a. user didn't provide enough information/data make your process have to halt
we call this "broken contract"
when this type of broken contract error happen , you should throw the
exception back, let user handle this...which he should.
b. your process have it own problem. you can try to catch...and "fix" it...

3. checked and unchecked exception
RuntimeException and Error is unchecked Exception--also arithmatic exception, your question I guess is if they are unchecked exception why/when throw them?
well this question should start like this:
why sun seperate exception into 2 catalog: checked and unchecked?
when sun design the exception handling their thought is this:
"If a client can reasonably be expected to recover from an exception, make it a checked exception. If a client cannot do anything to recover from the exception, make it an unchecked exception"
so obviously the RuntimeException is type of Exception that Sun think the client can NOT handle, so make it as Unchecked Exception...and there is another reason behind this is because: Exception Handling is expensive!!! that is the real real reason SUN create checked and unchecked Exception...and but this not means you can't handle the unchecked exception. the truth is SUN want you to make that decision...if is a unchecked exception... you can handle it but question is "is it worth"?

I don't know if this is clear to answer your question...if you still have problem, let me know...

5.Re:JAVA的异常[求助] [Re: gao627] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: dengyinjun
Posted on: 2005-05-25 03:00

throw 抛出一个异常对象~~~~~~~~

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