Topic: 求助,java中的蛋生鸡问题

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1.求助,java中的蛋生鸡问题 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: vic_dragon
Posted on: 2005-04-19 10:41

public class myDate
  private int year,month,day;
  public myDate(int y,int m,int d)
  public void print()
    System.out.println("date is "+year+" - "+month+" - "+day);
  public static void main(String args[])
    myDate a= new myDate(2005,4,8);
而下面的程序和上面的等效,却非常好理解 */
class myDate
  private int year,month,day;
  public myDate(int y,int m,int d)
  public void print()
    System.out.println("date is "+year+" - "+month+" - "+day);

class sam
  public static void main(String args[])
    myDate a= new myDate(2005,4,8);

2.Re:求助,java中的蛋生鸡问题 [Re: vic_dragon] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: myool
Posted on: 2005-04-20 09:00


3.Re:求助,java中的蛋生鸡问题 [Re: myool] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: vic_dragon
Posted on: 2005-04-20 10:05

/*但是... 请看下面的例子*/
public class myDate
  private int year,month,day;
  public myDate(int y,int m,int d)
  public void fun()//非静态方法中也可以创建myDate的对象
    myDate d=new myDate(1999,5,3);
  public void print()
    System.out.println("date is "+year+" - "+month+" - "+day);
  public static void main(String args[])
    myDate a= new myDate(2005,4,8);
/* 那么为什么非静态方法中也可以创建包含它的类的对象,比如上面的 public void fun()*/

4.Re:求助,java中的蛋生鸡问题 [Re: vic_dragon] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: liujing319
Posted on: 2005-04-20 12:19


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