Topic: 字符串的问题

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1.字符串的问题 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: orangeyxj
Posted on: 2005-03-30 17:47

). int i = Integer.parseInt([String]); 或
i = Integer.parseInt([String],[int radix]);
2). int i = Integer.valueOf(my_str).intValue();

另外,字符串"abc"通过getBytes() 可以取得 a是97,b是98,c是99,
如果我想把三个整数 97 98 99转成“abc”有该怎么转呢?


2.Re:字符串的问题 [Re: orangeyxj] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2005-03-30 21:38

check the Java API, int)
public static int parseInt(String s,
int radix)
throws NumberFormatException

Integer.parseInt("abc",16) should be fine since "abc" is a valid hex number

note that Integer.parseInt(String) == Integer.parseInt(String,10)

>> 如果我想把三个整数 97 98 99转成“abc”有该怎么转呢?
put them into an byte array, say bytes and
new String(bytes)

3.Re:字符串的问题 [Re: orangeyxj] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: orangeyxj
Posted on: 2005-03-31 11:54


4.Re:字符串的问题 [Re: orangeyxj] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wddodo
Posted on: 2005-04-02 14:41


5.Re:字符串的问题 [Re: orangeyxj] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: undefined
Posted on: 2005-04-14 10:49


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