Topic: Applet程序

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1.Applet程序 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: liujing319
Posted on: 2005-01-24 11:31

package Java.awt does not exit
package Java.applet does not exit
cant not resolve symbol
symbol:class Applet
location:class helloword
import Java.awt.Graphics;
import Java.applet.Applet;
public class helloword extends Applet
String thetext;
public void init()
thetext="Hello the Word!";
public void paint(Graphics g)

2.Re:Applet程序 [Re: liujing319] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: BarryWhite
Posted on: 2005-01-26 18:07

change the codes like this:

import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.applet.Applet;

then,that will be OK!

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