Topic: 哪位可以给说明一下join()这东西...

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1.哪位可以给说明一下join()这东西... Copy to clipboard
Posted by: merlin8866
Posted on: 2004-11-11 21:48


2.Re:哪位可以给我说明一下join()这东西... [Re: merlin8866] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: caleb
Posted on: 2004-11-11 21:51

join() wait for completion of another thread,

wait() will make current thread release the lock it holds,
and wait for notify()/notifyall().

3.Re:哪位可以给我说明一下join()这东西... [Re: merlin8866] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: merlin8866
Posted on: 2004-11-11 22:28

那wait()也是等待completion of another thread啊,不是吗?


4.Re:哪位可以给我说明一下join()这东西... [Re: merlin8866] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: merlin8866
Posted on: 2004-11-11 23:49

join(long a)是不是就是当线程被interrupted a毫秒后关闭(变成死线程)?

5.Re:哪位可以给我说明一下join()这东西... [Re: merlin8866] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: caleb
Posted on: 2004-11-13 00:36

If my memory serve me well .. Tongue ..

in thread t1, it calls t2.join(), t1 will move from "running state"
to "blocked for t2 complete state". it will be promoted to "ready to run"
state, if 1> t2 compelete, 2> t1 being interupted, 3> t1 time out.

in thread t1, and t1 hold the lock of object o1, it call wait(), t2 will
release o1 lock, and move from "runing state" to "waiting for notification"
it will be promoted to "lock accuisition state" if 1> notify/notifyall called in
another thread t2, 2> t1 time out, 3> t1 being interupted.
if t1 finaly accqure the lock again, it will move to "ready to run" state.

hopely this helps .. Smile ..

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